Artistic Integrity

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Dani Daniels

The artist sits alone and lonely. His fingers rest in front of his pallet still and tense; awaiting inspiration. His eyes stare sadly at the blank canvass still propped upon the easel; the evidence of a fruitless days work.

He stands and stretches his aching muscles, too long hunched in the same position and needing the relaxing benefit of massage. He pulls the drapes and looks out at the uninteresting vista before him; the cold brick and window of the opposite apartment do nothing to inspire confidence in him.

He rotates his neck slowly, relieving some of the days tension and closes his eyes as he feels some circulation of blood returning. He tries to recall some of the previous evenings ideas and thoughts but they escape his memory flitting through his mind like so many leaves on an autumnal breeze.

Like a prowling lion he stalks the small room he likes to refer to as his studio, attempting to relieve his limbs of stiffness and ensuing cramp. His bare feet pad over the threadbare carpet and his eyes take in the shabby almost decrepit furniture; a reminder of so long without the successful breakthrough he waits and wishes for.

After a few moments pacing, the artist finds himself back at the window. He stares out again. Night is now upon him and the moon casts eerie shadows against the unimposing buildings that surround him. The street lamps throw their sodium illumination over empty roads wet and sleek with previous rain.

He pours coffee. The last of the pot which reminds him of his excessive caffeine intake but still fails to stop him savouring another cupful of the rich flavour. He inhales the heady aroma and cups his hands around the coffee mug warming them against the chill of the night.

The corner of his eye catches a movement from the window of the opposing apartment. He looks around and sees the light flick on illuminating the bedroom. Then the voices come – as they usually do. Not shouts this time, but raised whispers really from the married occupants that form the human habitation of the plaster-board tower blocks that dot the landscape of most major cities.

The voices become louder and the artist, realising that he is also visible, switches off the main light in his studio. His easel light is now the only illumination in the small room and he knows that it is the voyeuristic streak that resides in all men and women (no matter how well contained) that drags him back to the window.

He can see the two figures now in the next apartment as well as he is able to hear them. An argument. Although he can hear, the structure of the actual words and sentences elude his ears. The male figure turns on his heels and walks out to the sounds of his berating wife’s voice reverberating behind him. The artist hears the door slam and once again all is quiet.

He wonders what the argument was about as he watches the young woman sit on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands. For a moment, he assumes that she is weeping but then, as she lowers her hands from her pretty face, he can see the smile and hear the laughter as her head rolls back.

The artist is intrigued and continues to observe the woman from his unobtrusive position. He tries to tell himself that he is looking at her out of artistic integrity, but he knows himself well enough to realise that this is not the complete truth. She is attractive. Longish auburn hair neatly tied back in a pony-tail frames a face that needs little make-up. He guesses fatih esc her age at about thirty-two, but he knows that he has never been good with ages and accepts that he could be out by four or five years either way. She wears a pale coloured top and, if he is not much mistaken, leather pants. She looks dressed for a night out and he wonders if this might have been the cause of the argument. As the artist continues to watch, an idea begins to form in his mind; the woman seems so perfect in her na vety, so innocently unaware that she is being observed. In short, the perfect portrait!

He almost stumbles in his haste to reach his paints and feverishly begins mixing colours. His eyes flit back and forth between the canvass and the window as he attempts to capture the very essence of his subject. His fingers move at lightening speed as the brush daubs colours; fading them to the tones and hues required for the perfect likeness. He remembers his coffee, now almost cold and reaches for it without thinking. But the light is dim and as his hand stretches to the table, his fingers catch something that he does not see.

The sound of glass breaking on the thin carpet echoes around the room and the artist holds his breath as he looks directly at the woman. Has she heard the sound? Will he finally now be uncovered? Exposed as the perverted voyeur?

He cannot easily tell if she is aware of his observations or not. She has heard the sound of the glass, of that much he is sure; her head turned directly towards the window. But has she seen him? If she has, then she is seemingly unconcerned. The artist releases his breath slowly and continues with his work at a more labourious and controlled pace.

The woman is now almost perfectly framed in the window and seems content in the secret world of her own thoughts. A smile traces her painted lips that seems, in his imagination possibly, to be directed at him. Again, the artist wonders if she is aware of his presence or not. His attention returns to the canvass for a few moments but, on his return to the window, he is greeted with an unexpected sight.

Aware or unaware of her secret audience, the woman has begun to remove her clothes. Perhaps, he thinks, she is preparing for bed. But the smile that parts her perfect lips is now more evident as she stares directly at the window.

The artist, confused for a moment by this turn of events, ceases his work but continues to stare. The black bra that the loss of her top has exposed contrasts perfectly with her pale skin. He feels himself become aroused. The woman’s hands begin to caress her upper body tracing patterns with long, perfectly manicured fingernails across her flat stomach. He looks as she closes her eyes and allows the fingers to drift lazily upwards towards the bra, there to run lightly over the lacy material that covers hidden treasure. He can hear her moan softly as she pushes one cup up and over the swelling mound of a breast and reveals a tight looking nipple.

The artist shifts uncomfortably on his stool as he feels the strain of his growing erection beneath the robe that he habitually wears. There seems little doubt now that the woman is in no mood for sleep or bed, but he is still uncertain of whether she is simply pleasuring for her own benefit or if she can sense that there is someone watching her.

With a movement that pushes her firm breasts forwards, the woman reaches behind her and unsnaps the fastening of her bra. sarıyer esc The garment falls forward and immediately both of her hands cup the swollen heave of her chest. The artist watches fascinated as her fingers manipulate the nipples, pinching and squeezing sensuously until the buds become hard, turgid peaks. Her head rolls back and the moan that escapes her lips is this time much more pronounced as she climaxes for the first time

She seems more relaxed now as she catches her breath. The artist attempts to do do likewise. The painting stands forgotten now as he wonders how far, or for how long, the woman will continue until she realises that she can be seen from the window. Or does she already know?

If she is aware of her vulnerability, then she seems not to do care. Her fingers toy idly with the button at the waist of the pants – yes, they are leather, the artist now acknowledges with a smile. The button pops open under her ministrations and, very slowly, her fingers run down the zipper. The artist can see the dark shadow of pantyhose beneath the pants; a protection against the chill of the winter night, he assumes.

The woman now stands and looks again directly towards the window. The artist holds his breath as the quick smile before she turns seems certain to do be directed at him. But turn she does and, much to do his disappointment, the artist loses sight of the woman’s perfectly formed breasts. But his chagrin is short lived. In a smooth, almost ballet-like movement, the woman bends at the waist and rolls the leather pants slowly over her behind. The artist gasps as he is treated to do a view of the rounded half moons of her nylon covered buttocks.

His eyes can now never leave the window as he sees the darkened fabric of the gusset as it covers her most private bodily area. Her buttocks still face towards him as he watches her legs open slightly and her hand stray between them. Her fingers begin to do stroke her covered mound becoming faster and more urgent as the seconds pass. The artist sees her fingers pressing hard against the constraining material and wonders why the woman seems to do refuse the obvious and remove the garment completely. His unasked question is quickly answered. With an audible rent, the material of the hose is suddenly split at the crotch and torn away by the woman’s probing fingers. Two digits enter her vagina smoothly but urgently and the artist watches the woman’s’ legs tremble visibly as she reaches another shattering climax.

With flushed appearance, the satisfied woman turns once again and sits back down on the edge of the bed facing the window. The artist breathes hard as he also sits and notices that his erect penis is now protruding obscenely from a gap in his robe. He looks at his size as if seeing it for the first time and slowly circles his fingers around the swollen head, squeezing gently. A warm, luxuriant feeling washes over him as the turgid protrusion swells further in his grasp. His eyes return to do the window hoping that the vision was more than just a figment of his imagination. The woman remains in his sight, confirming that, if he was in fact deep in a land of dream, then it felt real enough to do him!

But the woman – or the dream, it seemed not to do matter any more – is obviously far from finished with her self-pleasuring. She now sits before him open-legged and with the tatters of her pantyhose hanging in fragments about her crotch.

Her fingers toy escort kız ümraniye with her labia, opening the fleshy folds and running sensuously through the moistness. She concentrates heavily on the area around her protruding clitoris, flicking the digits over the swollen nub and then entering her vagina proper. The artist can clearly see the rise and fall of her large, heaving breasts and watches as her bare feet rise up onto the points of her toes accentuating the perfect arch of her sole. He no longer cares if she is aware of his voyeurism or otherwise and he assumes, by the look of unadulterated lust that adorns her face, that she cares little also.

The artist has been slowly stroking his erection in time with the woman’s fingers and, as she has increased her masturbatory speed, he has been moving closer and closer towards his own orgasm. His hand grips the hard member exquisitely sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body and he knows that ultimate satisfaction is not far away.

The woman is now reposed on the bed and the artist can clearly see each wet fold and fleshy crease of her aroused sex. For a moment she ceases her frenzied stroking and seems to do be searching for something with a trembling hand. The artist watches, his penis swollen and throbbing in his hand as the woman brings her hand back now clutching a long sleek looking vibrator. As the gentle buzz of the sex toy fills the air and she presses the tip against the entrance to do her vagina, the artist begins to do stoke himself towards orgasm.

As the two unseen and, perhaps unknowing, masturbatory partners continue to do pleasure themselves, the sound of their joint lust floats through the air. The artist is lost in a world of his own as he peaks and imagines some kind of telepathic communication that connects him with his distant, illusory lover. He is desperate to do ensure that their climax is simultaneous – although, if he is honest, this has never happened to do him before – and his mind imagines a meeting of minds as well as vital, bodily fluids.

And then, suddenly, the woman is climaxing. Her whole body seems to do convulse around the thick vibrator as she thrusts it up into her body. The artist watches her pretty toes as they curl involuntarily and marvels at the way her nipples swell further as the pleasure twists and contorts her. It is more than enough for the artist and, with a deep, guttural moan that emanates from far down within his own body, his throbbing penis erupts in a veritable shower of precious semen.

It seems like a lifetime but is only a few moments before the artist can open his eyes. There is sweat on his brow, cold and clammy chilled by the frigid air from the open window. His attention drifts back to do the window of the neighbouring apartment, but the room from which his previous pleasure had arisen is in darkness. His eyes stare into the gloom trying desperately to do make out some shape, some form that would confirm that the experience had been real and not just developed in the dark recesses of his mind. But there is nothing to do console him; no light, no woman, no trace of anything that had – or might have – happened.

The artist wraps his gown tightly around him and turns towards his easel. A perfectly painted portrait of a beautiful, semi-clad woman stares back at him. It is a work of art; certainly the best piece that he has ever completed and sudden visions of fame and fortune fill his head, exciting him. He looks around the down-market apartment, the shabby furniture and the threadbare carpet and suddenly knows that nothing will change. He smiles to do himself sadly, realising that he will never have the heart to do sell such a masterpiece!

The End

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Allan , Jane’s Bet

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August Ames

“I’ll see your ten and raise you twenty,” said Allan. As he spoke he tossed three blue chips from his very short stack into the large pot sitting in the middle of the table. He then leaned back in hardwood kitchen chair. His lanky body made him look very thin, but his friends knew he was in better condition than some of them. He wore his blonde-from-a-box hair short and messy, held that way with gel. His soft face was as flat as he could make it. His light almost transparent blue eyes were staring at his opponent across the circular kitchen table from him.

His opponent was the owner of the modest three bedroom house they were in. She had a smirk on her cute oval face, but her hazel eyes didn’t carry the humor of her lips. She had that face framed by falling tresses of milk chocolate brown curls that hung to just past her shoulders. “You really think you’re going to beat me?” she asked, still with the smirk. She took a glance at the other two women at the table with them. As her eyes came back to Allan she tossed five more blue chips, from her equally short stack, into the pot. “How do you like them apples?” she quoted Matt Damon from ‘Good Will Hunting’, one of her favorite movies. She reached her right hand up to brush stray strand of hair off her forehead because the air conditioning was blowing almost directly on her. Her left hand went to the back of her neck to scratch and stretch. Having both hands up caused her bit more than a handful sized chest to lift more into Allan’s view.

His eyes locked onto the front of her sleeveless flower print blouse. “You know that’s cheating, Jane?” he grumbled. Jane feigned innocence and smiled. “I’ll raise you another ten.” His blue eyes became hard now.

“Damn! I’m glad I fell out at the beginning,” stated the woman to Allan’s right. She sat back, brushed her long brown hair off her shoulder and smiled. She may be a brunette, but she acts more like a blonde. Her brown eyes always carry a glint of humor and confusion, unless she was at work. Then she is very much like a stereotypical brunette, smart. “Though it would be nice to have that kind of money, right, Amy?”

“Sure would, Becky,” answered Amy as her chocolate colored eyes bounced back and forth between the only two still playing. Amy had strawberry blonde hair that barely covered her ears.

“I raise you fifteen,” stated Jane, dropping two blue and one red chip into the pot. She had already thrown the matching bet into the pot.

“Shit! I want to see who won, but I can’t see your bet. All I have is ten left.” He held the last chip he had in front of him to show everyone.

“I have an idea,” grinned Jane. “But first, Amy how much is in the pot?”

After a quick sort and count Amy gave the amount. “There’s three hundred seventy-five dollars in the pot.” Becky’s eyes opened in surprise, Alan grinned and Jane gave him a mischievous smile.

“Allan, I have another fifteen here and you have ten. If we put that in it will make the pot an even four hundred. I don’t care that you can’t match my side of the pot. All I care about is this hand; I want to see who wins. As a way to make things a little more balanced let’s add a side bet. That way it makes things just a bit more interesting.” She flashed that smile again. Now everyone was hanging on her words. “First of all we put all the money in the pot. If you win you pay back the part you couldn’t cover and you still get to call me on the side bet. If I win I get the full four hundred and to call you on the side bet. Sound fair?” He nodded,

“The side bet is that the winner gets to have the loser do one task. This task can be anything; the only stipulation is no sex of any kind. The task must last at least one hour and no longer than three. It can be completed in any state of dress from nudity to formal wear. Finally it must be completed within the next forty-eight hours. Do we have a deal?” She had been leaning forward as she spoke but was now on her forearms on the table and almost out of her seat.

“How do I know you won’t back out on the bet when I win?” he countered.

“Have I ever been known to welch on a bet? Besides we have two witnesses right here,” she answered reaching her right hand across the table.

“I want it in writing and signed by all four of us on top of the pot before we go any farther,” he said taking her hand. He was already thinking of things for her to do. He had always fantasized about seeing her bare chest. They had been friends for ten years and he had watched her develop into her D-cup chest. The first thing that came to mind was to have her come over to his apartment and clean it topless, then the idea of having her be his nude beer maid while he watched the baseball game popped into his head. Jane produced some paper and a pen and then started scribbling the rules of the bet down.

“Why do we have to sign it?” asked Becky indicating Amy and her.

“You two are witnesses and he wants it covered in case he backs out,” goaded Jane. She finished merter escort bayan writing the rules then signed it with a flourish before handing it to Amy. Amy quickly signed it and gave the paper to Becky, who read it before signing. She couldn’t help it, being a high school English teacher. Finally Allan got the sheet; he too read it before signing it.

The bet for this hand of poker is approximately $200 a piece. Also included in the bet is a task to be done by the loser. This task can be no less than 1 hour and no more than 3 hours. Nudity can be called for, but no sex of any kind. The task must be given and done with by 8 pm Sunday.

Jane’s signature took up most of the rest of the page. Amy and Becky had squeezed their signatures between the text of the bet and Jane’s. Allan grunted and signed right along the bottom.

“I added the part about a time limit for the winner to give the task. I figured it shouldn’t take more than two days to choose a task,” supplied Jane as Allan placed the sheet of paper on top of the pot and under his final chip. Jane placed her last chips on it too.

“Sorry Jane, I believe I win,” said Allan with a wide grin. He flipped over his three face-down cards, revealing a pair of Jacks and the six of clubs. The face-up cards in his hand were the other two Jacks, the five of spades and the Ace of diamonds. In total this hand of seven card stud ended up giving him a four of a kind in Jacks, one of the toughest hands in poker to beat.

“Damn!” exclaimed Amy as Becky said, “Nice hand.”

“Looks like it could beat the king high that I have showing, but first let’s see what my hole cards are.” Jane’s four face-up cards were the king of spades, and the five, seven, and eight of diamonds. Slowly turning over one card she revealed the king of diamonds first, then she turned the second card over to show the king of clubs. Everyone took a deep breath and held it waiting for Jane to turn over the last card. As she turned it over everyone leaned forward. The card landed upright to show it was the last king, the king of hearts.

Amy almost fell backward over her overturned chair, that she overturned as she jumped back and stood up in surprise. Becky sat back laughing and pointing at Allan. “She screwed you. She knew she was going to win when she made that bet,” bubbled Amy as she joined in the laughing and righted her chair. Jane just sat back, put her hands behind her head and gave Allan a shit-eating grin and a wink.

Allan sat staring at Jane’s hand like he was in a trance, not even noticing anything around him. “How could I lose? I had a killer hand! How could I lose?” he mumbled to himself as if it were a mantra.

Once Amy, Becky and Allan calmed down or snapped back to reality, Jane pulled the pot to her, being very careful with the piece of paper on top. She made sure the slip sat in a place everyone could see, right next to her drink. She carefully stacked the chips while Allan watched in a stupor, still mumbling to himself. The other two started to converse, speculating on what Jane was going to have Allan do.

Allan caught snippets of their suggestions, like nude housework and meal server nude or not, but he was not really paying attention, neither was Jane. When Amy and Becky realized this they got up and headed to the kitchen sink about twenty feet away still conversing.

Jane continued to meticulously stack the chips and Allan stared, no longer mumbling. A good portion of three minutes passed this way, then Jane finished with the chips. She placed the paper back in the middle of the table. Amy and Becky returned to the table and became quiet. Allan’s eyes lifted to meet Jane’s.

“I’m calling this in right now. It’s nearly one in the morning and the temp is still in the eighties. I want you, Allan, to strip to your underwear here then with only car key, driver’s license and cell phone you will go out to your car. In your car you will remove your underwear, leaving them here, and go for a drive. At intervals I will call you and have you meet me at certain places. Also, you will lower the top on your car. Don’t worry about where you’re going to meet me. I’ll give you an idea before we part each time,” stated Jane, watching his face. Allan’s face drained of blood and his eyes became the size of saucer dishes. The other two gasped at the idea the giggled like little school girls.

“Don’t worry about being caught, it’s late and if you end up attracting the cops, I’ll pay your fine,” said Jane with a smile. She then produced a slip of paper stating what she just said.

“I can see only one complication to your plan,” answered Allan, finally finding his voice again. “I went commando today.” He grinned as all three ladies, having just taken a sip of their drinks, sputtered with surprise.

“You what?” asked Amy.

“What’s going commando?” asked Becky.

“All I’m wearing right now is my shirt and denim shorts. My sandals are by the door,” he responded, escort anadolu yakası laughing at their surprised faces. “I try to go commando at least once a week, but it could be a problem at work sometimes. It’s a great feeling physically and sexually. Physically cause there’s no constriction on the package and sexually because women don’t realize how close they are to feeling or seeing my member.” He ducked with slight embarrassment but also smirked.

“Bullshit!” exclaimed Jane, staring hard at Allan. “I don’t believe you. I think you’re trying to back out on the bet.”

“Really? You want proof?” He stood and carefully unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts. He then slowly pulled the fly open to just before showing his dick. What they saw was bare skin and no tan line. Jane’s jaw was practically on the floor.

“How often do you shave?” questioned Becky, her right hand moving to touch him. She stopped and grabbed her drink in an attempt to cover her move. Everyone knew what she had been doing.

“I don’t shave anymore. I haven’t since I was twenty-one. I’m twenty-five now. My girlfriend when I was eighteen, Jaime, dared me to shave my crotch. I loved it, especially the sex. She shaved too. Even after we broke up I continued to shave. Sam, my girlfriend when I was twenty-one bought me for my birthday present a laser hair removal treatment. The only unpleasant thing about that was the prickly stubble for a couple months while the laser killed all the hair. Now I never have to worry about stubble or ingrown hairs,” he said enthusiastically.

“How smooth is it?” asked Amy. Jane and Becky just stared. Allan could feel the first stirrings of arousal from all the attention on his crotch.

“Very smooth,” he answered. He was trying to will the erection that was close to growing away.

“Can I feel?” asked Becky, leaning forward. She was absentmindedly tweaking her right nipple through her clothes with her left hand.

“Yes you all can feel the smoothness.” At that he dropped the shorts to the floor, baring his flaccid but hardening dick to the ladies. His attention was on Jane the whole time. He could see the lust in her eyes. He took off his shirt and threw it at Jane, hitting her in the chest. They smirked at each other.

Becky was first to touch, by placing her right hand right above his ever hardening dick. He could tell by her expression that she was surprised and very turned on by the smoothness. It was smoother than any other crotch she had touched.

“That’s smoother than my legs after shaving,” commented Becky to Amy. Becky ran her hand up to his bellybutton before removing it from his body. Amy’s hand was there to replace it. She slid her fingers around being careful not to touch his now fully hard member. Jane estimated that it stood about six and a half to seven inches long and a little thin.

Allan stepped around the table behind Becky so Jane could feel too. She did by rubbing the back of her right hand between dick and navel. “Damn. That is smooth.” He grinned, moving back to his chair. “Allan, give Becky your car key. She’ll start it up and get everything ready.” He sobered up, but complied with the request. He removed the car key from his key ring and handed it to Becky, who ran to the door and out of the house. “Since you decided to go without underwear today, you have to run to your car with out your shorts on.”

He blanched at that thought and then reluctantly nodded. He was having trouble with the whole idea, but reconciled himself to it to fulfill the bet. Besides it was dark and very few people were going to see him in the nude in his car. To pass the time he looked over the instructions Jane had written. When he reached the last thing she had said there was one more line. What she didn’t say was that he was going to have to run around both his and her cars.

“What the hell are you trying to pull?” he exclaimed. “What is this last line?” He threw the paper back at Jane.

“Oh. I forgot about that. To make sure that you stay bare throughout the entire time I want you to meet us and run around the cars. For that you can have your sandals,” she said grinning. This was the make or break point. She was gambling on this point. His expression softened and he nodded.

“One stipulation on that point, there can not be a crowd of people near the cars. If there is, we move until there isn’t. Agreed?” He stretched his hand across the table and she took it with a nod of her own. As their hands separated Becky reentered.

Allan stood grabbed his license and cell phone from his shorts and on his way to the door took the key from Becky. He took a deep breath and let it out as he left the house. By now his dick had softened, making it a little easier to run out to his 2000 Volkswagen Beetle convertible. The top was down and the engine turned over quickly. When he looked up Jane was leaning on the passenger door.

“In about fifteen minutes I’ll call you to meet us at the beşiktaş esc movie theater. In the mean time have fun and don’t go on the freeway,” she said. She stood up and blew him a kiss. After she stepped a way he drove off.

He drove straight to the movie theater then started to circle the block it sat on. He continued to drive in a circle, always right so he didn’t have to wait at the traffic lights too long. Only once did he think, someone saw how he was dressed or not.

Exactly fifteen minutes after he left Jane’s house his phone rang. It was Jane and she told him to drive to the back of the parking lot for the theater and after finding her car, park his. He turned into the lot quickly and found her with in a minute of her call. She was slowly driving up and down the lanes. He pulled into a spot that was surrounded by at least five empty spots in any direction. She pulled into a spot over one row and five spots to his right.

He was very nervous and very excited. The nervousness and the excitement were actually working together and caused him to grow hard as he ran. He got out of the car and quickly circled his car then darted to her row and the nearest car to hers. After a couple quick breaths he circled her car to see Jane behind the wheel, Amy in the passenger seat, and Becky was in the back seat of Jane’s tan 2003 Honda Accord EX. Becky slid across the seat to get close to him as he circled.

Jane had her window down and said, as he passed, “When you get back to your car get in and wait for me.” He didn’t really acknowledge her but did as he was commanded when he got back to his car. He sat there a couple minutes before Jane strolled over to him. “Nice to know you listen. Now listen to this. If I spot you near the end point of any other stop on this trip you will have to take a punishment of another stopping point. Understand?” He nodded swallowing hard. “Good. Our next stop is the Skyline. Know where that is?”


“Good, good. You can go now. Just don’t be within a block of the Skyline until I call. See you there.” She grinned and walked off. He practically floored it heading for the exit to the lot. On the road again he drove straight to the Skyline then turned left at the next intersection. He drove straight for three lights and was getting comfortable until he had to stop at the next light.

He was in the inside, left, lane and a maroon SUV pulled up to the light in the outside, right, lane. He panicked and tried to cover himself nothing was at hand so he used his right hand and it really didn’t cover much. He also didn’t look over, keeping his eyes out his windshield at the light willing it to change.

Once it did he accelerated smoothly and quickly as he tried to get away from the SUV. The SUV pulled into his lane behind him and easily paced him. His panicking escalated. To try to lose the SUV he turned off the road at the next right hand street, the SUV followed. He turned a few more times, two lefts and three rights, the SUV stayed with him. As a last ditch effort to loose the SUV he did a U-turn, so did the SUV. Finally in exasperation he turned into a well lit parking lot for a fast food restaurant that was closed. He pulled to the back of the lot and waited. The SUV pulled into a spot two away to his left.

That’s when he looked at the SUV for the first time. Behind the wheel was a young woman with two tone hair, blonde over black. The back windows were tinted, but he did see a slim hand fly forward then disappear. With a resigned sigh he watched the doors open, at least three that he could see, the driver’s, the passenger’s, and the rear driver’s side. Then he heard all four close. A couple seconds later he was looking at four young women, none of them older than twenty.

There was the driver with her two tone hair that barely fell passed her ears, bright blue eyes and heavy make-up. She was dressed in a sparkling pink mini dress that looked garish and pink heels too tall for her.

The girl that had gotten out on the driver’s side was wearing her purple-black shoulder length hair pulled into two braids right behind her ears, dark eyes, and makeup to pale her out. Her outfit was shades of blacks and reds. It seemed to have no discernable shape and yet accentuated her heavy chest and ample back side. It was helped by her heeled boots that came up to her knees.

The two that came from the passenger’s side were dressed in mini skirts that looked like rainbows and tube tops. One the true blonde of the group was in a red, almost pink, top while the dark brown haired girl was in a light blue top. Both wore black two inch heels. The blonde also had the strings of her black panties showing above the waist of her skirt. All four of the girls’ makeup looked like it had slightly run from sweat and their hair was maybe a little limp.

During the chase Allan’s anxiety got the best of him and what ever stiffness his dick had disappeared, but looking at these young women who had been the ones chasing him started getting him excited again. Before he turned off the car he looked at the clock and saw to his surprise that only ten minutes had passed since he had left the theater.

“Hey, why are you naked?” asked the driver. Her voice was higher than he thought it would be.

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Anger Made My Wife a Slut Ch. 07

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Authors Note: This is another FICTIONAL story. All characters in the story are FICTIONALwith the exception of my wife and I. All of the actions and conversations in this story are FICTIONAL.


Life had become pretty mundane. It seemed like work had taken over. One of my staff had just started maternity leave, another was on long term disability due to a back injury from a car accident and a third had quit because she couldn’t handle the resulting workload. I was in the midst of the annual budget forecasts, a departmental reorganization and, on top of my regular work, I was writing new job specifications for the positions that the re-org would create. In addition I was also trying to do as much of the work that my three absent staff had normally done. It was not unusual for me to leave for work at 5.30 in the morning and not get home until 8.30 or nine at night.

In fairness, my husband was also working a full day but he usually got home first and got dinner ready. After dinner I would often fall asleep in front of the TV and Alan would wake me up to go to bed. After a couple of months of begging, my boss finally relented and authorized the hiring of two new people. I insisted that the two people came from another department within the organization so that they wouldn’t have to be trained from scratch and wouldn’t require an additional budget approval.

Within a couple of weeks the new people had bedded in well and I was able to leave the office by six o’clock most days. Then, out of the blue, I got approval to recruit one more person and, with a little bit of finagling, managed to take on someone that I had worked with several years before. She was a person that I trusted and I knew that she was a hard worker.

At last I was able to get back to my normal hours and even managed to get a couple of days off. My husband arranged a couple of days off to coincide with mine and we spent a long weekend in Montreal. We arrived in the early afternoon on a Thursday and, apart from an hour or so in the hotel restaurant, spent the rest of the day and night in the hotel room. Between lovemaking sessions I managed to get enough sleep that, when the morning came, I felt very refreshed.

We spent the next morning exploring the Old Town area. After lunch at a beautiful rustic restaurant we made our way back to the hotel and spent the afternoon in bed. I don’t know if it was the Montreal vibe or the fact that I didn’t feel exhausted anymore but I found myself as horny as hell.

That evening we went out to look for a quiet restaurant. We found an Italian place down a side street and had an excellent meal and a bottle of wine. After that we decided to take a stroll and see what was around. We did a bit of window shopping and made note to come back a sample the delights of a traditional Montreal deli that we passed.

It was then that I spotted one of Montreal’s many strip clubs. Before Alan had a chance to say anything I took off towards the door and went straight in. Alan had no choice but to follow me.

“Bonjour!” said the man at the door.

“Hello!” I replied.

“For ladies no charge.” He said in a heavy Quebec accent.

When Alan came through the door he was asked, in French, to pay a cover charge.

“He’s with me.” I blurted out. I grabbed Alan’s hand and turned in the direction that the music was coming from.

“Tres bien. Enjoy.” The doorman called as we headed down the corridor.

The club was not even half full and we had no problem finding a table.

“Why did you come in here?’ my husband asked.

“I wanted to see if the clubs here are any different than they are back home.” I replied.

There was a girl onstage making a half hearted attempt to entertain the sparse crowd. She actually managed to look more bored than anyone else and she soon left the stage to a smattering of applause.

The table I had chosen was on a raised area toward the back of the club. I wanted to make sure that we had a good view of things and, more importantly, that a wall was behind us rather than more tables. Looking around the club I realized that, apart from the stripper that had been on stage and the two waitresses that I could see, I was the only female in the club.

It was still early and I knew that the club would gradually fill up. It was Friday evening after all. There would be more strippers and more waitresses too as the evening progressed.

One of the waitresses came over and said to my husband “You brought your wife in.” She winked at me and continued “You are going to have a busy night eh?”

The allusion was obvious. He had brought me into the club so that I could learn to strip for him.

“Actually, I brought him in.” I said.

“It’s his birthday no?” she asked.

“No, I stripped in a club in Toronto recently and I wanted to see what happens in a club here.” I replied.

“Well, we don’t need any more strippers but if you can be a waitress we could use you.”

“I’ve waitressed before but I’m not looking for a job. I just want to see what goes on.” I answered.

“Shame, several of our waitresses have already called in sick. It’s going to be a hard shift tonight.” escort bayan topkapı She sighed.

She was wearing a dark blouse and a short skirt and flat shoes I asked her if that was the usual uniform for the waitresses.

“During the day it is but after eight we have to take to take off the blouse and skirt and swap the flats for heels.” She explained.

“That’s what I had to do in Toronto. How do you like it?”

“I don’t mind it.” She admitted. “The tips are very good but the guys take liberties.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“They will touch us and very often we end up with nothing on.” She explained.

“Then why don’t you become a stripper?” I asked. “You’ll make a lot more money.”

“I graduate in the spring. I’d rather have waitress on my resume than stripper.” She smiled.

“What are you studying?’ I asked.

“Economics and finance. I want to work in one of the banks or investment companies.”

“Yeah, those guys watch strippers but they don’t hire them.” I laughed.

We ordered a couple of drinks and she went off to the bar.

She came back about ten minutes later with our drinks and I asked to run a tab.

We watched another stripper put no effort in whatsoever and then my husband turned to me with a mischievous look on his face.

“Why don’t you help them out and be a waitress for the evening?”

“Because I’m here to observe, not to take part.” I replied.

We had a couple more drinks as the place started to fill up. Our waitress came by wearing just a g-string and heels. Obviously it was past eight o’clock. I thought of my experience in the club in Toronto and couldn’t help but smile.

The club was filling up quickly now but I only saw one new waitress. Our glasses were empty and it was at least half an hour before our waitress showed up. She was quite attractive with decent boobs but her legs were a little too skinny.

She looked quite flustered and was a little less polite than before. We ordered our drinks and waited.

One of the barmen brought our drinks. He placed them on the table and crouched down to speak to me.

“Ellie tells me that you were a waitress. We could sure use the help.”

“No, I’m just here to watch.” I insisted.

“Ok, if you change your mind just come down to the bar.”

“You know you want to.” My husband piped up.

“You certainly want me to.” I laughed. I did want to but I was determined not to get involved.

Less than twenty minutes later a guy dressed in a very shiny suit came to the table.

“Bonjour. Hello.” He said. “I am Jean and I am the manager. I really need your help. We have only three waitresses tonight and Ellie is working a double shift. Even one more waitress would be a great help. If you help you can keep all of your tips.” He begged.

“No, I don’t think so.” I said.

“Ok, I would forget your bar tab if you help.” He offered.

“No.” I shook my head.

“Ok, you can keep your tips, drink all you want and I’ll pay you five hundred bucks.” He was desperate.

As a joke I said “Make it a thousand and I’ll do it.”

He didn’t hesitate. “That’s a deal.” He said.

In truth I was interested but I didn’t really want a late night.

“Come, we’ll get you your uniform.” He ordered.

Alan laughed and said “I’ll see you shortly!”

I followed Jean down toward the bar and along a corridor to his office. He asked me my name and scribbled out a quick note and signed it.

“That’s the best contract I can do.” He apologized.

I looked at the paper. It read “I owe Janice $1,000, her tips and bar tab for the evening.”

“Good enough.” I said. Where do I get changed?

He reached into a drawer and pulled out a pale pink g-string.

“Right here is fine.” He sat behind his desk and picked up some papers.

“Aren’t you going to leave?” I asked.

“I have work to do.” He replied.

I wasn’t about to change in the corridor and he wasn’t about to leave so I turned away from him and started to undress. I knew full well that, even though he was holding some papers, he was watching me. When I was naked I realized that I hadn’t picked up the g-string from his desk. I had no choice but to turn around and face him. He put his papers down when I turned but he made no effort to push the g-string across his desk for me. I had to reach over to grab the g-string and, as I leaned on his desk and bent towards him, he got an excellent view of my swinging boobs. His eyes quickly darted down towards my bare pussy and watched intently as I pulled the garment up.

The triangle of material that was supposed to cover my pussy was the smallest possible. I adjusted the garment as best I could but it was designed to cover as little as possible. I had left a “landing strip” of short hair that was plainly visible. The g-string covered my pussy but only by a millimeter or two. I knew I had to be careful if I had to adjust it otherwise I may as well be naked.

“Well? What do you think? I asked.

“Turn around and look at yourself in the mirror. Tell me what you think.” He answered.

There was a full length mirror escort bayan ümraniye on the back of the office door and I stood in front of it. What I saw shocked me. My first impression was that I was completely naked. The g-string was so tiny and the colour was hardly distinguishable from my skin.

I turned and looked over my shoulder at the mirror. I couldn’t even see the strings. They were so thin and the colour helped to make them virtually invisible. Turning back to face the mirror I realized that I was showing the tell tale signs of excitement. My nipples were erect and hard and I could see the outline of my pussy against the g-string.

He pointed to a cardboard box and said “Pick out a pair of heels.”

I found a pair that fitted well enough and stood up straight. I looked at myself on the mirror again and smiled.

“I could upgrade you to stripper if you like.” He offered.

“No, I’m good.” I replied.

“Ok, go see Paul at the bar. He’ll tell you what to do.”

I left his office and went to the bar.

“I’m looking for Paul.” I said to the barman that had delivered our drinks earlier.

“I’m Paul.” He replied.

He handed me a tray with a notepad and pen on it and a clutch to wear over my shoulder.

“You can work the section that you were sitting in. It’s big but it’s less hectic than the sections near the stage. When they pay for their drinks bring the money and the tab here and I will give you change. Whatever is in the clutch at the end of the night is yours to keep. Welcome aboard.” He smiled and held out his hand.

I shook his hand and realized that he was watching my breasts wobble. It didn’t matter, he wouldn’t be the last. I knew I was going to be touched by guys and I had already decided that not only was I going to enjoy it but I was going to encourage it.

I headed up into the section that I was going to work and was surprised how full it had become. My first stop was at the table my husband was sitting at. He smiled as I approached.

“Where are your clothes?” he asked.

“In the manager’s office.” I replied. I handed him my wallet and told him to take care of it.

“Wow, when you came towards me I thought you were already naked. Could I order a drink?” he asked.

I arched my back and pushed out my boobs.

“Certainly sir, what would you like?” I asked as seductively as I could.

“The usual.” He replied.

I ignored the fact that he was talking to my breasts and went to serve another table.

“What can I get you guys?” I asked. There were four guys at the table and they were all wearing suits. “Bankers.” I thought to myself. I wondered if they would recognize the other waitress if she went for an interview.

They ordered their drinks and I moved on to the next table. As I moved I felt a hand on my ass. Evidently this was not exclusive to Toronto.

Ignoring the grope I took the order from the next table and headed to the bar. I delivered the drinks without incident and then stopped off to talk with my husband.

“Apart from the tray how do the customers know the difference between the strippers and the waitresses?” he asked.

“The strippers don’t go into the audience topless”. I told him. “They wear a bikini type of outfit so that they can reveal everything slowly while they do a lap dance. Then they put everything back on before they are asked again. The thing is they sometimes have to take customers into the private rooms for special attention. I don’t have to do that.”

“Would you if you were a stripper?” he asked.

“It’s part of being a stripper these days so yes, if I were a stripper I would.” I answered.

“So you are topless all the time but you don’t have to get naked or take guys to the private rooms?”

“I don’t have to go into the private rooms but I’d be surprised if I don’t end up naked at some point.” I replied.

“By choice?” he asked.

“No but look at Ellie over there.”

He looked and saw her trying to pull her g-string up. A guy had his finger on the back of it and was stopping her from pulling it up properly. She moved away and the guy let go.

“Are the guys allowed to touch you?” he asked.

“No. In theory if a guy touches me he gets kicked out. Having said that, the club will generally turn a blind eye to it. They are afraid of losing business.

“I’d have thought they would be more concerned about losing their licence.” He said.

“This business is so corrupt. They know who the cops are and they just pay them to keep quiet. The cops are not concerned about nudity in these places.” I laughed.

“So I can expect to see you naked at some point?’ he asked.

“Probably. I won’t fight it. I could make enough money tonight to pay for our whole trip.” I explained.

“Will you go into the private rooms?” he asked.

“I won’t broadcast it but if I am asked to I probably will.” I replied.

He looked disappointed but also more than a little turned on.

“Just for the money?” he asked.

“The money is good but I’d do it for fun too. Now that I’m here I intend to enjoy myself and whatever happens happens.” bayan escort I realized that this wasn’t the first time I had used that line.

“Well, if the roles were reversed I probably would too.” He admitted.

“I probably won’t sit and talk with you much tonight. It’s bad for business and besides, I expect I’ll be quite busy.” I smiled and winked at him and, to my relief, he smiled and winked back.

I realized that he had just given me a free pass. I intended to use it as fully as I could.

I saw a guy beckoning me over and I went to the table. I bent over to hear the guys orders and made a point of making my boobs jiggle. I knew that if I gave the guys a bit of a show I would get a bigger tip.

Again I felt a hand on my butt as I took the orders and hustled to the bar. I knew it was only a matter of time before my boobs were fondled and then who knows what might happen.

I spent the next twenty minutes or so hustling drinks and then during a lull I went to talk to Alan again.

“So. I was wondering. What happens if someone touches a stripper?” he asked.

“The bouncers kick them out. Not overly gently either.” I answered.

“But if someone touches a waitress nobody cares?”

“They only care if it looks like it’s getting out of hand or overly prolonged.” I replied.

“Define ‘out of hand’.” He said.

“If it starts to get violent or if the guy gets his dick out.”

“Sounds like you are fair game.” He stated the obvious.

I shrugged my shoulders and told him that if he sees me in that situation not to interfere.

“Why?” he asked.

“You’ll probably get the crap beaten out of you.” I chuckled.

Another table was looking for service so I hustled over to them. The job was not too difficult at the moment but I knew that when the guys got more alcohol inside them it would be different.

Business was steady and I spent a while serving and making small talk with the customers. I knew that when there was a stripper on stage things would ease up a bit for me but as soon as the girl had finished I would be rushed off my feet.

One of the strippers had just finished her act and the bankers called me over. Their glasses were empty and I grabbed two of them and put them on my tray. Rather than walk around the table I bent over and reached across to get the other two. They were enjoying the sight of my boobs and I was enjoying showing them off. I also made a point of parting my legs a little so that the guys at the table behind would get a good view of my ass and perhaps some of my pussy. As I picked up the last two glasses one of the guys put his hand on my ass. I let it stay there for a moment and then stood up. As I turned to head to the bar I smiled and winked at the guy. I knew that if I flirted with them I would get bigger tips and who knows what else.

The club was almost full by now and I had my work cut out keeping up with demand. My feet were starting to get a little sore. Apparently the heels didn’t fit well enough after all.

I served my husband another drink and went to the guy at the next table over. He was sitting alone at a small table and I said “What can I get you?”

“Rum and coke please.”

As he ordered the drink I bent forward and took one of my shoes off so that I could rub my foot.

“Long shift?” he asked.

“Only a couple of hours so far but these heels are not too comfortable.”

“Then why don’t you sit down for a moment?”

There wasn’t another chair at the table and so he pushed his chair back.

“Sit here.” He suggested.

“Why not!” I smiled.

I sat on his lap and lifted my sore foot up to rub. I felt his hands on my sides and then on my boobs. Rather than getting up and creating a scene I just carried on rubbing my foot. He was massaging my breasts and playing with my nipples and I loved it.

I looked up and saw my husband watching from the next table. He had a big grin on his face. I let go of my foot and leaned my back into the guy’s chest. Then I parted my legs a little and winked at him. He winked back and gave me a nod. I knew that guys at other tables had been watching and I also knew that I had now let the genie out of the bottle.

I turned my head and said “I’ll get you that drink now.”

He took his hands off of my boobs and I got up and went to the bar.

“Looks like you’re quite a hit.” Said Paul. He had been watching from the bar. “Be careful. You can’t let them fondle you for that long. Nobody will complain if it’s a quick grope but if you are going to let them do that take it into one of the private rooms.”

“Ok, I’m sorry.” I felt like a naughty school girl who had just been to see the headmaster.

He laughed and said “Don’t worry about it. Have a good time but just be careful.”

I took the guy his drink and waited for the money. He checked every pocket until he found a fifty dollar bill. As I turned to go and get change I felt his hand pulling on my g-string. He managed to pull it about halfway down my thighs until I spun away from him. I quickly pulled it back up and warned him not to do it again. I felt a bit flustered and forgot to adjust the tiny piece of material so that it was covering my pussy. The g-string was so small and light that I couldn’t feel it at all. Now, unknown to me, I was walking around showing off my privates as well as my boobs. I stayed that way for fifteen minutes or more until I went to see how my husband was doing.

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An Afternoon With Ali

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Ali makes her way quickly down the seedy alleyway trying not to touch the moss covered walls. She stops outside a black painted door and with a quick glance to check that she isn’t being watched, opens the door and steps inside.

The plush interior smells faintly of perfume, the walls are painted deep red. It’s dark and warm. With a quick nod and a smile at the girl sitting behind the small table in the corner Ali makes her way through a small side door into a dressing room.

Dumping her bag on the sofa, Ali quickly slides out of her jeans and top and opens the wardrobe. Hanging in front of her are rows and rows of lingerie. She flicks through the rail before settling on a hanger which holds a black lace bra, matching suspender belt and knickers. All three are edged in pink. Settling the suspender belt more comfortably on her hips, Ali opens the floor length curtain which hides her from view. Picking up the black stockings that lay on the bed next to her, Ali steals a small glance sideways. Through the window she can see the shadowy figures of three men sitting side by side on hard-backed chairs. She allows herself a small smile, bends to her toes and begins to roll first one and then the other stocking slowly up her legs, smoothing the nylon with her fingertips as she goes.

Easing her feet into her pink stiletto heels, Ali stands up. She faces the glass window and begins to sway slowly to the music which is being piped into the room. She runs her hands slowly up the insides of her thighs and over her hips. Turning with her back to the window slightly, she caresses the soft curves of her buttocks before moving her hands up over her stomach and further up still to the black lace which encloses her firm breasts. Her gentle touch sends sparks of electricity over her skin and Ali’s lips part slightly, the pink tip of her tongue running moisture over them. Smoothly, her pink painted nails make their way inside the cups of her bra and graze lightly over her hardening nipples. Ali bites her bottom lip, imagining the pressure was placed there by one of the men who are watching her. She moans a little and increases her grip on her nipples, rolling them between thumb and forefinger.

Moving her finger up to her mouth, Ali bends at the waist giving her audience a view of her breasts framing the soft curved mound between her thighs. Looking up through the curtain of her hair, she can see that one man is standing against the back wall. His eyes half closed, his hand rubbing his tesettürlü escort bulging crotch through the fabric of his jeans. Ali brings the tip of her finger to her mouth and licks it, circling the top before pushing it all the way into her mouth. Standing upright again, she hooks one thumb into the side of her knickers and pulls them to one side, her moist finger finding her hot clitoris immediately. She moans again, eyes half closed.

Ali sits on the bed, finger still moving between her legs. She parts her thighs and leans back a little. She lowers her chin and glances seductively through the glass, with her other hand she beckons the standing man into her room. He disappears for a second before appearing at the door. He opens his mouth to speak, but Ali shakes her head and pats the bed next to her. He moves to her side and sits down. Ali reaches over and flicks the top button of his jeans open. She runs her nails firmly over the denim while he unbuttons his shirt. Ali straddles his lap and buries her face against his chest. She can hear his heart beating a rhythm on his ribs. She encircles his back with her arms and runs her fingernails hard over the taut muscles while bending her mouth to his nipples and lapping at them with her tongue. He breathes hard in her ear and moves his hands down to her backside, holding it up slightly off his lap. Ali wriggles her hips so she can rub her pussy onto him, but he holds her, his fingers pressing dents into her flesh so she is unable to grind against him. She feels the tension building between her thighs and bites harder at his chest. The man lies back on the bed and Ali crawls up and turns around so she is facing the window again. She positions herself over the mans face and lowers her aching pussy onto his mouth. He pushes the soft fabric of her knickers to one side and slips his tongue into her, she takes a sharp breath and looks up at the two remaining men. The blonde is kneeling on the floor, his hard cock in his hand, the red head is simply sitting, hands in his lap, staring at Ali’s breasts.

Ali brings her hands back up to her breasts and pulls the lace away from her skin releasing her nipples. She rubs her whole palm over them. The man below her undoes the rest of the buttons on his jeans. Ali can see his cock pointing up towards her face. She falls forwards and slides it into her warm wet mouth, tasting the salt and covering it with saliva. She feels it pulse and sucks to match the rhythm. The man sighs and ümraniye eskort his hot breath makes Ali’s pussy twitch.

Again Ali looks up through the window and beckons the blonde man into her room. He almost falls through the door, pulling his jeans off as he crosses the room and steps up onto the bed. Grabbing a handful of Ali’s hair he pulls her head up and pushes his cock into her mouth almost choking her. A sharp shot of adrenaline spikes through Ali’s legs and stomach ad she takes him fully into her mouth. He is much bigger than the first guy and she pulls hungrily on his cock with her mouth while massaging his balls which have tucked themselves tightly against his body. She moves her hands roughly around to his backside and pulls him closer against her face. Her lipstick is smeared across one cheek, her hair disheveled. Small tears form in the corners of her eyes as she struggles with the size of him and run down, taking some of her heavy mascara with them.

The man lying on the bed is still sliding his tongue in and out of her, clicking it over her engorged clitoris so it is pushed hard to one side before springing back. Silver strands of pleasure are now radiating through Ali’s body. From her scalp, through her mouth which is filled with cock, down her neck, into her nipples before connecting in a pool in her lower stomach. The kneeling man reaches down and holds her breasts with his fingers pressing into her nipples. They massage the flesh roughly and Ali’s pussy pulses and twitches.

Ali feels the slow waves of her orgasm approaching and decides it’s time to move. She takes the kneeling mans hips in her hands and pushes him roughly away from her, his cock springs from her mouth, dripping saliva. A look of frustration flickers across his features. Ali lifts herself shakily from her knees and falls sideways onto her back. She flips herself over onto her stomach and pushes herself onto all fours giving the final man behind the glass a full view of her wet pussy and the trails of moisture which have crept down her thighs. She beckons the blonde man over between her spread legs and guides him into her. She gasps as he fills her and gasps again as he reaches round to play with her clitoris.

The other man positions himself at her head, on his knees and pushes his cock into her mouth. He holds her face in his hands and guides the rhythm of her mouth to the speed he wants. Ali is shaking now, little cries of lust escaping her lips. Her pussy closes tightly escort şişli around the blonde mans cock, squeezing and rippling around it. Her breasts are hanging down, swinging as she is pushed from behind and pulled from the front. Her tongue is becoming frenzied on the cock that fills her mouth, she swallows a mouthful of liquid, a mixture of saliva and two different men’s semen. The thick saltiness slides down her throat and she chokes a little, a small amount escaping to trickle down her chin and neck. She brings a hand up to massage it into her nipples.

Ali becomes aware that the last man is now in her room. He is standing beside her, his cock inches from her. He reaches one hand forward and touches Ali’s breast. He breathes heavily and squeezes harder, his thumb moving gently over the tip of his shaft and her nipple in the same circular pattern. Ali looks out of the corner of her eye, watching how his thumb moves smoothly over the dark red, almost purple tip. Slowly she moves her hand to the base and grabs hold of it, taking the loose skin at the bottom and massaging it expertly up so it covers the top before pulling it right back down to the base. A few drops of cum gather on the tip. Ali rubs her finger into the liquid and smears it down the underside of his cock. The man groans and wraps his hand over hers making her grip him tighter and move faster. With a deep groan, he points the tip of his cock towards Ali’s feet and cums on her shoes.

Ali immediately feels her own orgasm approaching again, hard, fast and hot. She moans loudly, panting and squirming onto the two men who impale her. It starts in her feet and she wriggles her toes in the semen that fills her shoe. Her pussy pulsates and grips the blonde man even harder pulling him deeply into her. She feels the cock between her lips jerk and a stream of liquid begins to force its way into her mouth. The blonde man’s stroke is slowing and becoming more deliberate before he gives in to his own orgasm. Ali bucks her hips and the sharp tingling feeling reaches her thighs before converging in a hot wave deep inside her lower stomach. Pulses of pure heat engulf her pussy as it squeezes and twitches, each wave accompanied by her loud moans.

Without speaking, each man kisses Ali softly before leaving her alone in the room. Ali gently places her hand between her legs and strokes her clitoris gently for a while before getting off the bed and closing the curtain. She dresses, not making any attempt to clean the multiple juices off her skin or from between her legs.

Back in the reception area, she opens her bag and places six £50 notes on the little table. The girl sitting behind the table smiles and nods and Ali winks before turning and making her way back out onto the street.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

An Uncomplicated, Concise, Long, Involved Story

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An Uncomplicated, Concise, Long, Involved Story

He watched as the couple slowly, enticingly undressed in front of each other, a private showing for just themselves, a man, a woman and a watcher. It was a precarious place he watched from, a place most people simply wouldn’t notice and yet it was a place he felt almost at home. How he got there might be confusing to some, to others I might seem inevitable, for Andrew it was either an uncomplicated, concise tale, or a long involved story.

The uncomplicated, concise tale went like this: On a partly cloudy Wednesday afternoon he climbed the last flights of stairs, his footsteps echoing off the concrete steps, his hand sliding over the smooth railing and his heart beating wildly from the exertion. Noticing how the stairs narrowed and steepened as they rose up from the top floor toward the room, Andrew paused to catch his breath. From where he stood he could see that there was a chain on the door, but the lock on the chain was broken. Apparently he wasn’t the first to visit the roof.

After negotiating the narrow staircase and meticulously unchaining the door, he pushed hard on the door as it scraped noisily on the roof. Stepping out he felt a quick chill as the breeze rushed over his sweaty skin. Ignoring the cold he walked to the edge of the roof until his toes rested against the parapet wall and he looked out over the city.

It looked dirty, just as he imagined it would, with the noxious sounds of car horns, ventilation equipment and airplanes seeming to echo the filth. Andrew took a breath of fresh air and let the acid tart taste of it permeate his nostrils, burning them. He looked down at the traffic below, noticing the tiny people winding through the cars, then noticing vip escort the building across the street, the canopied entry, the faded brick, soot stained window sills and cloudy glass.

There was some movement in a window a few stories below the roof level but he couldn’t quite see. He squeezed up next to the wall from the stairway but still was at too much of an angle to look inside. Looking at the wall, he saw that there was a ledge just wide enough to let him slide around the stairway walls. Stepping up on the ledge, he pinched his fingers in the gap between bricks and sliding his feet side to side, he slid down the wall until he found a recess in the wall just big enough for him to sit in.

Carefully pinching the brick, he balanced himself, swung into the recess and sat down. The timing was perfect and he sat back as the woman reached behind her, unfastened her bra and then, cupping her hands over the front, she slowly pulled the bra away, letting her breasts settle into position. Her nipples were dark and, even from his distant vantage point, Andrew could see they were firm and erect.

The man then stood up from the bed, walked over to the woman, bent his head down and took the nipple into his mouth. He sucked one for a long time before moving on to the other. Andrew could see the man’s saliva glistening on her breast and he continued watching as the man created a trail of moisture down the woman’s stomach and then along the waistband of her panties. The tongue waited patiently as the woman slipped her thumbs into the silken fabric and pulled the panties down, letting them fall to the floor.

She opened her legs, reached her hand to the man’s head and guided him. Andrew imagined the taste of his wife’s pussy as gecelik escort he saw the man’s face slip between the woman’s thighs. In a few moments she began to move her hips, languidly pressing her delicate flesh against his mouth. Her hands caressed his head as her fingers ran through his hair, seemingly encouraging him, later her grip seemed more intense as she guided him.

Andrew watched as her hip movements quickened and became more pronounced and he remembered how his wife would push against him, grinding her pussy onto his face. She would moan loudly as she came, often saying his name. He watched as the woman leaned her head back and then suddenly seemed to shudder, her body flexing and then relaxing.

Pulling away from her lover she sat on the bed as the man stood and faced her, his cock bulging in his underwear. Andrew watched her carefully stretch the elastic waistband and each it over the erection. Only when she let his briefs fall to the floor did she grasp him with her hands, one hand on his shaft, the other cupping his balls.

She leaned forward and touched the tip of her tongue to the tiny hole in the purple head of his cock. Andrew pictured his wife sucking his cock, remembering the sight of a glistening strand of moisture dangling between her tongue and the tip of his cock. His balls tingled as he noticed the woman suddenly lurch her head forward, taking the head of the cock into her mouth. Her one cheek bulged for a moment and then he saw it draw inward as she sucked hard.

The man’s knees quickly bent and Andrew thought they might have buckled, but the man didn’t fall, instead he arched his back, giving himself entirely to the woman. She began stroking his shaft with one hand, kneading his eskort balls with the other and bobbing her head up and down over the head of the cock. Yes, the man was now moving, thrusting his hips, much like Andrew remembered the last time his wife sucked his cock.

Andrew’s wife was an incredible lover, especially good at sucking his cock and that last time she seemed to put everything into it. All Andrew could do was simply lose himself in the sensation until he came, spurting his cum into her mouth. His wife swallowed every drop and then asked if he liked it.

Andrew answered, “I think that was the most incredible experience ever.”

Her reply still echoed in his mind, “Just something to remember me by.”

“Remember you?”

“Yes, I’m leaving Andy, moving back upstate,” she replied as she stood to get dressed.

“Okay, I can start pack…”

“Andy, you’re not listening. I’m leaving. I’m leaving you.”

“But why? Why after all…”

“You know why, I don’t need to tell you.”


A horn sounded outside.

“That’s Barry, he’s driving me. I’ll contact you about my stuff.”

“Jamie, please don’t go.”

“It’s too late, I’m gone,” she said, walking quickly out of the bedroom.

The man suddenly arched his back and Andrew could see the muscles in his ass flex as he came. The woman swallowed several times before pulling her head away, gently milking a last few droplets from his softening cock and then giving it one last suck. She then stood up, embraced him, kissing him hard on the mouth.

Andrew stood as the woman did, firmly gripping the brick to balance himself. As the couple across the street lost themselves in the kiss, he slowly released his grip on the brick wall and took one step forward. Suddenly he felt himself back in his wife’s arms again, the exhilaration of making love, the incredible rush of coming deep inside her. For the first time since she left he felt free, almost like…


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Amber’s Dirty Party

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“Well, do you think you could fuck on stage?”

His name was Brian. He was a tall man, with long but sparse black whiskers beneath too-long sideburns and ragged, unwashed-looking but somehow not greasy hair. He wore thick glasses, those kind seemingly meant to prohibit interactions with anyone cool of either sex. He was lean, but he moved with an athletes grace, not unlike a dancer, but nothing so effeminate and beautiful. His was the agility of a hunting cat, the natural strength of a wild creature of nature, not the precision dance I knew so well.

I stammered. “Uh.” Actually, there was more, but you get the point. His question caught me completely off guard.

We sat in his office, in a plush high-rise not terribly far from the school. It was a place of fine wooden desks, cherry finish on the shelves on the wall, matching finish on the desk, of ancient Chinese vases, or at least tasteful modern replicas. He wore a suit, but without a tie. It was after hours, so perhaps he had taken it off.

When he noticed my reticence, he held up one finger, then moved over to a flat-screen TV and inserted a DVD. After a moment, the picture came up, shaky and chaotic in that hand-held camcorder way that usually gives me a headache. The picture focused, and I found myself looking into the backyard of a sorority house. I was the focus. I was dancing, not like at a club, but the ballet I had been rehearsing since I was almost too small to remember. I was lithe, graceful, like a swan atop still waters. Even drunk and sexed up, I was graceful. And being naked only made it better.

Slowly, it came back to me. Man, I really fucked up. Fucked up bad. Or, depending on how you looked at it, good.

“I recently purchased this video from a trio of cheerleaders I’m – somewhat – acquainted with. I happened to catch the tail end of your performance. I loved it. You’re a natural, Amber, and I want you to come dance for us. On stage. Nude. There’ll be sex. It’s a restricted audience. Elites. People with – ah, eccentric – tastes. People who pay well for someone like you. Outside of the club and the customers, who are by nature the most discreet, no one needs to know about it. This isn’t going to end up posted online somewhere in three weeks.”

I didn’t say anything. I was busy watching the camera, tuning out Brian to recall the previous Thursday, when it all really started.


I woke up in bed alone in my dormitory. Now, that’s not so strange, really, except that I usually woke with Sara, my roommate, in my arms or right beside me. We’d become lovers early in the semester, though neither of us had told the men in our lives yet. It seems wrong, in a way, because I believe people should be honest with each other, especially if they’re sleeping together. Yet, keeping Sara and I a secret brought a thrill I didn’t want to end.

I sat up on the bed. Sara was in her bed, stripped, lying on her side facing away from me. The telltale stream of dried white curling away from her vagina to trail down to the sheet told me her boyfriend, Jeff, had been there in the night. I smiled for her, and yet at the same time suppressed a pang of jealousy. I liked that he treated her well and made her happy, but I also wanted her for myself. I suck in this whole honest and upright relationship thing, I know, and I know my jealousy was somewhat hypocritical, but knowing it and stopping it were two different things. I fought it that morning by wrapping myself in a towel, traipsing off to the shower, and wondering just how much of my naked body Jeff had seen last night. He never commented, and neither did Sara, but I was sure he’d seen more of me that was strictly proper.

And I liked it. I liked being naked, especially when there was a possibility someone might see. Sara was turning me from a straight girl into a bisexual exhibitionist. And I was convinced I was in love with her for it.

When I returned, Sara was waiting on the edge of her bed. She looked serious, far too serious, so I sat on my bed and waited.

“Jeff proposed to me last night,” she said.

I felt my jaws tighten. I fought a surge of jealous anger the way you might fight off a rabid dog. Suddenly I hated Jeff, but somehow, I managed to grin. I don’t know how. As mad as I was, it shouldn’t have worked. Or maybe it didn’t work, and Sara understood. She’s creepy-smart like that sometimes.

“That’s awesome. Have you set a date?”

She shook her head.

I waited. There was more. She had that look.

“What do you want to do, Amber?”

“Well, I was thinking I’d go catch my cursed Sociology class, and after that find something to eat.”

“No, I mean about us.”

I shrugged. “What can we do?”

“Well, there’s option A, we can confess everything. Only, I think that’d hurt Jeff. I mean, he likes the girl on girl thing when we sneak a porno, just like any guy, but he’s extremely hesitant around you, about you. If we were other people, or I didn’t know both of you as well as I do, I’d think he’d cheated on me with you, but I just can’t see it.”

I got up, sat beside her. “Listen, Sara. Jeff’s hot, and fatih escort bayan I’d be lying if I said there weren’t days I wished it was my bed he was crawling into. But he’s never touched me, and I’m not planning on trying anything with him.”

She put her hand on my knee. Even as mad as I was, her touch was electric. Oh, I so wanted her to slide those fingers on up. Of course, that was about the time I remembered Sociology coming up.

“Thank you, and I trust you, Amber. Let’s see. We could do the opposite, and just not tell anyone, but that kind of feels wrong, like a betrayal, even more than not telling anyone so far.”

I nodded. She was right.

“Or, we could sort of bring them into it slowly, you know, sort of hint around and tease around until one day, while he’s here, we just start making out.”

She blinked. “It’d have to stop there, of course. I know you don’t want to share Tom, and I’m not ready to share Jeff either. I’m sorry, I want you to myself, and I want him to myself. I know that’s selfish and wicked of me, but…”

“I know what you mean, Sara. I understand. But if we make out, by accident as it were, and Jeff sees us, then he’ll know something’s up, and we can kind of see what he thinks.”

I sighed. “I hate to lose ‘us’ just because some guys don’t like that we’re together, or they don’t like it because we didn’t invite them along.”

Sara leaned back. She took my towel, wrapped it around herself. She did that sometimes. Said she liked it because it smelled so much like me, all wet and used.

“Well, these aren’t just any guys, they’re our men.”

“Yes, I know. Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just…”

“Well, we’ve got a little time. Let’s think about it, and maybe we’ll think of a better answer.”

I went to the closet as she moved to the door. “Sure,” I said. “Let’s see what we can come up with.”

Sara smiled and opened the door. Just as she did, a guy and two chicks from down the hall walked past. All three of them got a good look at me just standing there, buck-naked, reaching into the closet for my clothes. All three of them hesitated. Sara gasped, closed the door. I laughed, pulled out a skirt and a light shirt. I wasn’t offended. In spite of everything, I wasn’t offended. I rather kind of liked it.

The rest of my day passed fitfully. I aced a calculus test, blew the hell out of the bell-curve, and pissed off the trendy gaggle of girls that sit in the front row with their designer hair, designer clothes, and designer accessories. I didn’t even take a calculator to class, and for some reason, that pissed them off. Most days. That day, after class, they came up to me, three of them, Mandy, Brandi, and Jean. Three blondes. Three so-called perfect women.

“You’re the smartest girl we know,” Jean said. “We’d like to study with you sometime.”

I heard warning klaxons. You know, the kind that say the world is about to end? Jean blinked her designer lashes at me. I shrugged. “I’ll give you my number. Call me Monday, after lunch. We’ll talk about it.”

“Oh,” Brandi said, blinking the exact same lashes. I wondered if their underwear matched. “We’re having a party at our sorority house tomorrow night. You’re invited, if you want to come. Eight o’clock.”

“I’m afraid you girls are going to be out past my bedtime. I’ve got more tests to study for.”

I could have said ace. Or bell-curves to blow.

Well, I could have.

“No,” Mandy said, kind and soft, with slightly different lashes. At least one of them varied. A little. “It’s cool. We’ll call you Monday, okay. We could definitely use a little extra help on that last section.”

Right. They were up to something, and it wasn’t studying with me.

“Great.” I jotted my number down, smiled once at the three of them, and left.

After that, I went back to the dorm and waited for Sara. I’d struggled enough with the whole admitting my relationship with my bi-sexual roommate thing long enough to know that I wasn’t going to come up with an answer that didn’t mess up something I’d rather keep. I shook my head more than once, at myself, and my lack of a good answer to a problem that just seemed to develop on its own.

Sara called me later, a lot later than I would have liked, and told me she was going out with Jeff, so I buckled down to study. I went for a run, flirted with the cute little female attended I’d been chatting with ever since that rainy day Sara and I seduced each other, and finally returned to look at next week’s calculus and my crappy Sociology report.

Sometime after midnight, I felt weight crawling between my legs. An erection pressed between my hot, slick labia. It took me a moment to catch on. It was Tom, because Sara’s cock was plastic and probably wouldn’t be so warm without already being wet. Yes, I could tell that he was dry. Oh yeah, and Sara’s toy doesn’t throb by itself. I sighed as he pushed in, filled me, rolled my head as he nuzzled my neck with bristly whiskers. I liked his whiskers, but I liked Sara’s smooth skin more. That was when I knew it was time to just break it off with sarıyer escort bayan Tom. I wanted Sara more. Hell, I think I wanted that little geeky gymnasium attendant more. Sara had kind of broke my guy hunger. Or maybe I had just never been all that into Tom to begin with. It really wasn’t fair to him, but neither was dragging it out.

Oh, hell, if I’d only figured it out before he was inside me…

Well, he did have a nice package. And he was attentive. I’d tell him after the weekend. Monday, maybe. Yeah, that would be good.

And then he came, spurting and driving and groaning. I let him settle, let him roll off me. I didn’t try for my own with him. He’d felt good, but I wanted Sara. I let him drool out of me, and drifted off to sleep. It wasn’t much later, I don’t think, when I woke again. It was still quite dark. I crawled out of the bed without waking Tom and went over to Sara’s bed. As usual, she was naked, almost spread-eagle, and I crawled between her legs, put my tongue on her clit.

And tasted man.

Jeff, I thought to myself. Sneaky bastard had been there. Was he there still? Was he out in the bathroom? I checked for shoes or wallet. Nothing. He was gone already. I moved back to Sara’s used pussy and licked her until she curled up and came around my face, gushing Jeff’s seed all over me. That had a wicked, wicked feeling to it, and when she went back to sleep, I teased myself to a small, quiet, but very much needed orgasm before returning to my own bed and hiding from Tom.

That morning, he was gone, and Sara cried when she saw I was awake. I sat up quickly. She sat beside me, and I noticed that she was dressed as if to go to class, only I was pretty sure she didn’t have a class Friday morning.

“I don’t know any good way to tell you this, Amber,” she said, “so I’m going to just come right out and say it. I fucked Tom last night.”

I froze. My jealousy and anger from the previous morning returned. I turned so angry I wanted to hit her. I know a thousand angry masks must have crossed my face. Somehow, like before, I didn’t say anything at all. I suppose it was the tiny voice in my mind, back there behind the closets and skeletons and secrets, that told me this was all my own fault. That voice didn’t curb the anger any, but it kept me from lashing out.

“I didn’t want to,” she said. “I mean, well, he just came over a little after you two finished. I thought he was lost, so I started to push him back towards your bed, but he found my tits, and at the same time, I found his cock. I didn’t want to but it was all hard and wet and smelled of your sex. I wanted to taste it, suddenly, like you do with me sometimes, and then he was pushing me down and he was inside me and I couldn’t stop.”

“So Jeff wasn’t here last night.”

Her eyes hit the floor. She shook her head.

I got up. She followed me with weepy, puppy-dog eyes. I grabbed some clothes, a towel, and my shower gear.

“Don’t talk to me right now, okay. This is all fucked up and I don’t know what I’m thinking or doing, so I don’t want to talk about it. I’ve got classes. I’ll talk to you later.”

And then I walked naked all the way down to the showers.

That day passed way worse than the day before. I was pissed, but it was at least as much at me and my inability to manage everything as it was at Sara and Tom. But as time passed, and the things that had happened that night simmered in my mind, I got angrier. I got so angry that by lunch, I tracked down Mandy and her designer friends and told them I’d come to the party.

I’m not a drinker. Usually I disdain alcohol and the people who drink it. That night, though, I wanted to get fucking plastered.

I didn’t talk to Sara that night. I left her crying. I was a bitch.

The sorority house was a big place, like one of those old Victorian Era homes, almost more mansion than mere house. Dozens of people filled the porch, the foyer, and the entrance hall. People watched me. I ignored them. I went to one room where jocks in team jerseys dispersed beer from a keg on the balcony overhead to a crowd of men and women vying for a turn at the clear hose that hung down to face level. I moved through the room, angling for the door on the other side, where I saw a quieter space.

I’m still not sure how it happened, but suddenly I was next in line at the hose. Everyone around me chanted, and without thinking, I put the clear tube between my lips. Someone signaled the guys overhead, and the tube shook with the force of the beer jetting down. I hate beer. It tastes awful. It stinks. I clamped my mouth down around the tube and let the putrescent liquid burst into my mouth. I guzzled it, swallowed it as fast as I could, and what I didn’t swallow spilled from my mouth, poured over my chin, and spread across my shirt. I’d worn a thin bra that day, and when I finally lifted my head and released the tube, panting, my soft bra and nipples showed quite clearly.

The throng cheered, and the beer in the tube stopped. Someone grabbed my ass. Some chick slid up to me. She was hot and skanky at the same time. She kissed umraniye escort me, which brought on more cheers, and her hands and at least two others pawed my breasts. I laughed, broke away from them, and moved into the next room.

Someone followed me, and as I entered a dark, quiet place beneath the sink, soft hands caught my wrist. I stopped, turned, staggering, and someone pressed right against me. She was shorter than me, plumper, but not overly so. Men would call her curvaceous. I’d been fooling around enough with Sara to enjoy the way this girl’s knee moved between mine, and the way her breasts made a sort of shelf beneath mine. Her arms went around my waist, and before I knew what was happening, she was suckling at my neck, slurping, tasting, licking the beer I had lost, and grinding her pelvis against my thigh. She was wearing soft cotton shorts, green, that seemed somehow to disappear as she humped me.

I cupped her ass in my hands, thought of Sara, and tried to decide I the softness I felt beneath my fingers was shorts or panties. My nails found the backs of her upper thighs, raked into her. I reached beneath the bottoms of the garment, decided it was panties, and a second later, I was rubbing her anus with two index fingers.

“Gawd, that’s hot,” the chick gasped into my shoulder. She lifted her face to mine, sucked at my lower lip. It was Brandi, from Calculus. I teased the moistened sinkhole of her vagina with one middle finger, kept my other finger working her ass.

“I knew you liked girls,” she whispered before kissing me again. “I see you with your roommate. There’s no way to hide that kind of electricity.”

“Let’s go someplace else,” I whispered, “before I turn you upside down and drink you.”

Her eyes lit, drunk, glassy, horny, and wild.

“Oh, feeling frisky are we?”

“You started it.”

She kissed me again. “I did, didn’t I? Well, if you’re feeling a little wild, why don’t we go to the game room?”

“What’s in the Game Room?”

“It’s just a place where the more mature of us can unwind. Let’s just say it’s a much cooler party in there than out here.”

I took her hand. “Okay.”

Maybe it was the beer. Maybe it was just how pissed I was at Sara and Tom. Or maybe I was just ready to be wilder. We went towards the back of the house and came to a door with a paper sign at the top that read, “Game Room.” Brandi grinned, pushed through the door, and there we froze.

The door clicked behind us.

The first thing I noticed was that the room was full of people, fifty or seventy. They were mostly in their underwear. A few were even missing that. I saw Brandi’s friend Jean and she wore only a bra. Some didn’t have anything on at all. Everyone had crowded around a table on the far side of the room, where Mandy stood atop the table. She was stripped down to her underwear, but had a microphone.

“Well, hello, girls. You’ve just come to the game room, and we were about to get started. Shuck your clothes and come on over. Oh, before you do, try the doors.”

I pushed on the door. It didn’t budge.

“That’s right. You can’t leave until you play, and for starters, you have to strip. Underwear or nothing, ladies.”

Brandi cupped my ass with one hand. “So, still feeling frisky? I’m dying to see you without that shirt.”

I know I turned red. There was humiliation, but was also excitement. I’d become something of an exhibitionist over the past few weeks, and now I was really in a good place to show off my body. It seems lame, at times, to think about it like that. I’ve never been one to show off. I’ve always been modest. Proper. Here I was carrying on with my roommate and boyfriend at the same time. There I was, having sex in the nude on the rooftop. There I was standing in a room of half-naked people, contemplating stripping in front of them.

Brandi moved beside me, and when I glanced her way, she was wearing only a bra. The bra was one o those half-cup things I’d never wear, and her nipples jutted over the top, thick and swollen. I felt a tingle through my insides. Had I done that?

I pulled my top off, handed it to a girl beside the door, who wrote a number in marker on my shoulder. I dropped my skirt, stood there in my underwear, and she took the skirt as well.

“All right,” Mandy crowed. “Everybody ready? It’s time to play.”

Brandi took my hand and pulled me over to the crowd. People watched us, some stoic, some interested. I saw a girl from Calculus, another of Brandi’s crowd. She grinned. Others appeared almost angry. I tried to ignore their stares.

“Here’s how it works,” Mandy continued. “We all get to play, except for Janice, over there. She’s got a special condition that makes her exempt.”

She pointed to the woman that had taken our clothes. Janice waved, and I finally noticed the pregnant bulge of her tummy.

“Like I said, we all play, even me. We’ve got numbers. When your number comes up, we bring you up front, where you get to choose between two depraved or slightly kinky acts. The kinky act gets you two points. The depraved one gets you five points. For every round that you don’t do something, you lose one point. But, you can’t go below zero.” She hesitated, as if hungry and excited, and her fingers brushed over the front of her panties. “If you get to zero, we take pictures. Oh, and if you don’t play, you don’t get your clothes back.”

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A Voyeur’s Love Ch. 01

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Albert felt his body begin to relax as he rested his head on his wife’s shoulders. He could feel his cock just beginning to shrink within the damp warmth of her. They had made love much like they did most every Saturday evening, however tonight it had been much quicker, with Albert moving over her with an ardent urgency neither had experienced before.

Pushing his hips to her trying to keep his cock firmly embedded in her incredible softness he whispered softly, “You felt so good tonight.”

She smiled, sighed slightly and then asked, “You seemed so, ah you seemed so driven, so turned on tonight. What got into you?”

“I don’t know, it seemed different,” he lied. It wasn’t different, it was just the same as it had been for them since they got married. She would undress, lay back on the bed, open her legs and he would kneel before her and then push his cock inside.

“Different how?”

“It was just different, I don’t know.”

“Look something must have been different, you were so quick and it hasn’t been that long.”

“I… I saw something today.”

“And it made you come home like you did.”

“On the way home from work, merter escort I had the carriage stop in the park. I wanted to take a walk. You see, someone told me of a place there, a path that… ah well, went to a part of the park few people know about,” he said, feeling his cock finally slide out of his wife.

Albert slid off of her and moved over onto the bed beside her. Resting his head on his hand he continued, “I walked down a narrow path, so narrow I would never had seen it off the main pathway if I had not been told where to look.”

Albert’s wife demurely crossed her legs and pulled a sheet over her to cover her breasts as she listened to him. Her long hair cascaded over her milky white shoulders and she noticed him running his fingers through the curls nervously.

“At the end of the pathway there was a spot I could sit and look onto a small clearing. It was surrounded by tall trees and heavy undergrowth and I couldn’t imagine how anyone could have made their way there, but I saw two people.”

He paused then, looking directly into his wife’s eyes in a way she could see he was unsure if he should be telling her this and yet he anadolu yakası escort took a deep breath and continued. “They were naked, by the time I got there. They were making love.”

“Just like that?” Albert’s wife asked.

“Well much in the way we just did Dorethia, but they only did so for a short time and then stopped. When he withdrew from her it was obvious they hadn’t finished.”

“How was that obvious?” Dorethia asked.

“He remained firm as if he had just started. Instead of consummating as we just did, he rolled over onto his back and although he was wet and glistening from her she immediately moved over and took her in his hand. Without cleaning him or anything she opened her mouth and moved it onto him, closing and sucking wildly. While she sucked him, she moved and straddled his face, lowering herself onto his face.

“I wanted to turn away and although I felt myself gagging I had to watch, they moved so wantonly and moaned so unchastely I found myself short of breath. Feeling my firmness arise I thought of you and wanted to make love… I suddenly wanted to make love to you.

“I continued watching besiktas escort as the man pushed himself into her mouth as I pushed myself into you until he filled her mouth with his essence. She swallowed without a thought and then she began moving her hips and moaning much like he had. She finally collapsed upon him and when she rolled off him, his face was wet with her juices.

“Instead of cleaning themselves, they immediately embraced and kissed, running their tongues over their wet faces as if lapping their emissions. I… I… I wanted to get up and run but I remained, my firmness taut in my pants.”

“So when did you leave?”

“I remained silently as they dressed and then slipped down through an almost invisible opening in the foliage. After a few minutes I got up to leave and rushed back to the carriage and came home.”

“So it was what you saw that encouraged you to, ah, to take me so?”

“I meant you no harm.”

“No, no, I know your love Albert. To be honest, I enjoyed your excitement.”

“But you are not a slut, I will not treat you so.”

Dorethia reached out her hands and pulled Albert to her, gently embracing him as they remained together in the bed for some time. Only after nearly an hour did she get up, get dressed and begin to finish preparing their dinner. When Albert came to dinner he seemed quiet, much quieter than normal and immediately after dinner he retired to the bedroom.

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A Transforming Trip Ch. 08

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Clare eventually completed her sketch and Sara dressed and seemed relieved to scuttle out of the apartment with a quick ‘Bye William’ aimed in my direction. Clare went off to shower, as she was black with charcoal, and I prepared to tell her of how I had been suspended at work for suspected money laundering.

She came out onto the balcony with a large fluffy white towel wrapped around her shapely naked body, leant forward and kissed me tenderly on the lips; dripping water down on to me as she did so. She sat down opposite me, her towel falling open at the bottom to reveal a little of her freshly shaved pussy.

I explained that I had bad news from the office.

In the end she took it well, I guess she had actually been listening when Pascal and I had been discussing the potential problems with this deal. Nonetheless, the prospect of my losing my job, our heavily mortgaged house and the luxury lifestyle we had become accustomed to hit home. She was slightly tearful as she exclaimed ‘But it’s not fair, they asked you to come down here and manage these crooks, they set you up.’

‘Yes, it does seem that way.’ I replied.

Her anger with the bank had distracted her and by now her towel had fallen open completely at the bottom. She sat cross-legged on the sun bed, with the early evening sun falling directly onto her wide-open pussy. I sat back to enjoy the view for what I feared would be one of the last times. My naked wife backed with blue sea and sky in this great apartment. I would miss it.

There was a knock on the door. Pascal and Veronique stood there, she looked a little upset. Pascal was still as cool as ever, perhaps recovering from the shock a little. Clare went and got dressed as we sat down to talk. At first all we could do was fume over our plight, but after a bottle or two of burgundy’s fine red we came up with an idea, a fairly crazy idea, and one that would change everything.

‘Are you sure about this?’ I asked Clare later as we lay together in bed. ‘There will be no going back afterwards you know.’

‘Do we have any other good choices? If we stick it out then you just get the blame and we lose everything.’ We lay together, her soft breasts pressing into my chest and her leg lying lightly over mine, I was content but nervous.

We got up early the next day, I dressed as normal for work, grabbed a strong black coffee and waited for Veronique. She arrived around 7am, kissed me on both cheeks and then kissed Clare too.

‘Pascal had a further idea.’ She added, we have booked four flights to Paris for this afternoon in our names, then connections to Rio. My brother and his wife will take ours for us, we are looking for someone to take yours for you.’ It was a good idea, if you want to disappear; it is best if everyone thinks you are in South America.

I got in the car with Veronique and we drove into the town. As we approached the office she pulled to one side and parked. I climbed over into the back seats and pulled a black blanket over me. The security guard on the car park entrance never took any notice anyway. Veronique drove round to the side of the bank, blipped the gate with her pass and drove down past the guard without a glance. My heart was hammering along anyway. It was strange that a normal drive into work could cause such tension.

We got the service lift up to the top floor where I worked and I entered my office. I was relieved to see that everything was as I had left it; my PC was even still logged in. I just prayed that they hadn’t disabled my access to the bank’s systems. I closed all the internal blinds so that my colleagues wouldn’t see that I was in and hid out under my desk.

I had agreed with Veronique that she would keep an eye out for the Raskolovics delivery, and would bring them through when they arrived; we had no idea when though. I camped out under my desk for several hours, no one came into my old office but my heart beat faster every time someone passed the door.

Finally Veronique knocked the door three times on the way through to reception. This was the signal. I sat up on to my chair, unlocked my PC which, I was relieved to see, let me in and pretended to do some work. Veronique showed the two representatives from the Raskolovics through, and I was shocked to see Isabelle leading a big goon of a security guard who was wheeling a large suitcase.

‘Hello William, I am glad to see that you relented on this deal. I am sure you are making a good move.’ She remarked.

‘Thank you Claude.’ She motioned to the goon and he left to stand outside. Veronique left us alone to conclude the details. She had not been involved in the deal up to this point and it would have been odd for her to stay.

I prayed that no one came in now otherwise the game was up.

Isabelle walked over to me and sat on the desk in front of me, her skirt riding up to flash lace top stockings, it was good to see her again. ‘So I understand you can send us an electronic confirm for this cash, but it escort topkapı will not credit our account for two weeks.’ Isabelle continued.

‘I presume you have been using your initiative. I am glad because I was starting to get increased pressure from the Raskolovics from your lack of cooperation. They were very unhappy on Friday when I said you might not play ball.’

She unbuttoned her jacket revealing her pert naked breasts pressing against the blue smooth silk lining. ‘Now you will start to see how grateful they can be when they are pleased. She slid off the desk and came right up to me taking my hand in hers and running my finger around one of her nipples. Even with the tension I felt, my cock still hardened at the touch of her skin.

‘Isabelle please, we have been through this.’ I replied ‘I do not need an affair with you. I am very satisfied by Clare’s affections, there is no place in my life for you.’ She rubbed my hand onto her breast cupping it in my palm. I hoped I sounded more convincing than I felt.

‘William, please let me do this.’ She continued. ‘They are watching us from the building opposite; please let me show them I have seduced you. I need them to think you are doing this because of me. If they think I am useless then I don’t know what will happen to me, or my brother.’ I remembered that she was only working for them to clear a debt. I looked across the road to spot the guy with the binoculars but could see nothing. I was torn, I loved Clare but couldn’t let Isabelle be harmed either. I remained silent.

Isabelle slipped the jacket from her shoulders, exposing her beautiful small breasts; she knelt in front of me and undid my trousers. While I was unsure what I wanted, my cock had no doubts and popped out, hard and ready for whatever lay ahead. Isabelle slipped me into her lips and grabbed my balls and cock with her hands. She quickly started pumping me hard into her mouth, her lips protecting me from her teeth. I lay back and enjoyed it, there was no point resisting at this stage.

Soon I felt my orgasm come in waves of pleasure as I pumped her mouth full of cum. She pulled away, licking some from her lips and swallowed it all. I felt immediate pangs of guilt, knowing that Clare would be distraught to know what I had done. Isabelle too looked uncomfortable as the reality of her position hit home. I presumed she had thought it would be easy, but now realised what it made her feel like.

I turned, embarrassed to my computer, slipping my cock back into my trousers. ‘Now let me sort out that confirm.’ I could see she was close to tears; she must have been terribly worried to have gone through with the whole thing when it obviously did bother her immensely.

‘Fuck It William. What can I do?’ She asked looking down at her still naked breasts.

I was logging into the confirms system hoping that my account was still active despite my suspension.

‘I can’t do this, even with you, I feel dirty and used. How will it be with the next guy? He might be some smelly mean bastard.’ A tear escaped from the corner of her eye.

I couldn’t think about her plight, I had problems of my own to worry about. I finally got into the system and my heart rate fell a little. I found the confirm, hit send and watched the icon go green.

‘Look, Isabelle, the trade is confirmed so that is out the way. That will get them off our backs for a few days. Perhaps you need to reconsider this thing with the Raskolovics. Perhaps you need another way. Why don’t you and you brother just run away, fly away. I could lend you our passports and some money; you could be on a flight to Rio this afternoon as Mr and Mrs Banes. I could lend you say ten thousand euros in cash and you would be out of their way forever.’

‘Would you do that for me, for us?’ She asked.

‘Look Isabelle I am not going to be around here for long. To be honest it would be a favour in some ways.’ She looked at me suspiciously and I realised I had said too much. Now I was relying on her too. ‘I will call you in an hour.’ She said. ‘I need to talk to my brother, put it to him.’

She slipped her jacket back on, picked up a printout of the confirm and walked out. Her security goon fell in behind her.

I walked over to the case, opened it and gazed down at five million euros in used 100-euro notes. All my Christmases had come at once. I took out the two rucksacks I had brought and stuffed them full. We had to be quick as I knew there would be checks in the bank that would be run during the day and I didn’t want to be here for any difficult questions.

I called Veronique’s phone and said just one word ‘Now.’ She came into the office looking terrified. We now had to walk out of the office with bags containing five million that the bank didn’t even know it had. She picked hers up, looked both ways down the corridor and we set off back to the service lift.

Just as I thought we were home dry, a colleague came out of the Gents. ‘Oh hello escort ümraniye William’ he said looking surprised ‘I didn’t expect to see you today.’ I grinned back nervously. ‘I was just picking up some books.’ I replied terrified. ‘Thought I would do some background reading with my time off.’ He looked at the bags, and I prayed he wouldn’t ask to see what.

We stood there in silence for a second, my heart playing a solo in my chest. ‘Good idea. Well have a good break.’ He finally replied before walking off grinning. He had obviously heard I was done for.

‘Bloody Hell, that was close.’ I said to Veronique once we were in the lift. ‘I am crap at this cloak and dagger stuff.’

‘Oh I don’t know. That went very well, I thought. You handled Isabelle very well.’ She observed.

I felt a pang of guilt again, followed by fear that even now she might be telling the Raskolovics of her suspicions. I told Veronique of what had happened in my office, her eyes widened as I explained about my offer.

‘That was a crap idea William. Now this whole plan is at risk from her.’ I felt it too.

We got back to the car and I put the two rucksacks in the boot, and then climbed in afterwards. I wasn’t risking being seen on the way out. I heard the engine start, the car reversed out then drove slowly up to the security gate. It stopped and I heard Veronique talking to the guard. It took too long, seconds turned to a minute, two. Had someone already noticed the false confirm?

The car moved forwards again and we drove out of the car park. Veronique didn’t stop until we got back to the apartment block. She opened the boot and I got out. We were both shaking with fear, we embraced and kissed each other on the lips, unified by our terror.

We carried the bags upstairs to our apartment, I opened the door and Clare exploded out at me like a jack in the box. She smothered me with kisses pressing herself into my body. ‘God I was so worried.’ She gasped. ‘That was the longest morning of my life. Did you get it?’

I opened the top of one of the bags took out a bundle of 5000 euros and threw it to her. She grinned sheepishly, flicking through the notes. ‘Wow.’

‘Where’s Pascal’ asked Veronique, suddenly concerned. We had agreed to meet here immediately, not to split up again. ‘He’s gone to buy supplies.’ Clare replied. It was a good idea, but it meant waiting more, and I was concerned that the longer we were traceable the more chance we could be caught.

‘Come on lets get the rest of the stuff in the car and get out of here. We can call Pascal and meet him later, but first lets get out of here.’

We grabbed the few bags we had decided to salvage from our previous lives, picked up the money and returned to the car. Veronique called Pascal to arrange where to meet him and we drove off again, leaving our beautiful apartment and our previous lives behind.

As we drove down towards the sea my mobile went off. I looked down at it to see it was Isabelle on her mobile. I smiled, hoping she was taking me up on my deal.

‘Hi Isabelle. How are you?’ I asked.

‘OK. Look William, did you mean it, what you said in your office? ‘Cos my brother and I would really appreciate it, and well, maybe it might help you out too.’

‘Great. Look Isabelle, meet us on the main square in five minutes. I will give you the stuff.’

‘OK’ she agreed.

I explained to Clare the arrangement with Isabelle, and we drove the two minutes to the central square where we had had some fantastic meals. We parked and waited for Isabelle. I prayed she hadn’t ratted on us. Finally she showed up in her suit looking flushed and nervous. We all got out and I watched as she kissed Clare. I thought back to the office and how there was probably still traces my cum in her mouth as she kissed my wife.

Then she came over to me and kissed me on the lips, her tongue forcing itself into my mouth as she pressed her breasts into my chest. ‘Thank you so much William’ she said, another tear rolling down her cheek.

We handed over the passports, tickets and 10000 euros in cash. She looked at it questioningly; I presumed she would put two and two together.

We kissed goodbye, wished her well and drove off. Pascal called to say he would meet us in 20 minutes, so we drove off to the port.

‘There is one slight problem.’ Veronique explained as we left the car on the sea front, walking the last ten minutes. ‘We normally get the owners of the yacht to email permission through to the port for us to borrow it. We have tried but we haven’t managed to get through to them. So we will have to persuade the guy we are ok. It should be fine as they know we often borrow it.’

My heart was hammering away again, what would we do if they didn’t let us take the boat?

We walked up to the harbour masters office, Veronique taking the lead walked in. There was a young guy, perhaps twenty-five behind the desk wearing a blue suit and tie, he looked up from his escort bayan computer where he had been working. I stayed just outside the door as Veronique and Clare went up to talk to him.

‘Hello Mr Duval.’ Veronique opened. ‘How are you doing?’ He looked up at her with some recognition.

‘Hello Madame, how can I help you?’ he replied, his eyes wandering down her sleeveless white shirt and short blue skirt.

‘We have come to borrow the Clermont’s yacht again, the Mistral. You remember we borrowed her at the weekend.’ Veronique continued as if all was normal, smiling away.

‘Hmm that’s odd, I don’t remember getting any messages about this.’ The bloke turned back to his screen and started looking for some communication giving us permission to borrow it.

‘Ah well it was all very last minute you see,’ Veronique explained ‘friends from England are here and they said it might take an hour or two to mail it through. But really, Monsieur you know us, there is no problem surely letting us borrow it before you get the email? They are in New York and will still be asleep.’

Veronique sat down on the guys desk and crossed her legs, her short skirt rode up her thigh and gave both of us a great view of her shapely legs. He watched her movements with a lustful leer.

‘Madame, you know I can’t release the yacht without the Ok from the owners. It is very simple. I know we know you but that is the procedure.’

Veronique leaned forwards towards him, her top fell forward to reveal the curves of her breasts and I could see her nipples hardening, through fear I suspected. The guy glanced down at her tits and grinned slightly, enjoying the attention.

‘Monsieur, we only have a day, please don’t spoil it. We want to take these people off for a party trip, you know.’ She winked and looked down at her breasts, inviting him to look too, an invitation he was happy to accept. ‘It will be back by tonight. Look, as a thank-you why don’t you drop by the yacht this evening when you get done here, the more the merrier.’

She unfolded and refolded her legs, I am sure showing the guy a flash of her knickers, again he took full use of his chance to check her out.

‘What do you say?’ she pressed him.

‘So it will be the two of you girls, and who else?’ He asked, considering how much he was willing to risk just giving away a yacht for.

‘Oh just this guy.’ Veronique gestured towards me. She took Clare’s hand and pulled her towards her. ‘It will be quite a party, there will be more than enough action for the two of you.’

The guy remained un-convinced, an I could see Veronique was losing her chance, he was considering whether to turn back to his desk.

‘Have you ever watched two girls?’ Veronique asked, sliding her arm round Clare’s waist and pulling her even closer towards her, their hips were touching now. I wondered what Clare thought of it, being used as bait to ensnare this guy into helping us.

‘No, give me some idea though. Then I’ll know what to expect, I finish here at 7pm.’ He sat back and looked up expectantly. Veronique obviously hadn’t expected this and looked rather put out. I caught a glimpse of surprise in Clare’s face too.

‘Oh come on, I’m sure you have an idea.’ Clare chimed in, and then to my astonishment, she turned to Veronique. Clare put one hand behind Veronique’s neck, pulled towards her and then kissed her tenderly on the lips. Their mouths were open as their lips met and we both saw Clare’s tongue coming out to meet Veronique’s lips.

They kissed passionately for maybe 10 seconds, moving their bodies closer as they adjusted their positions. Clare put her other hand on Veronique’s hip, pulling her in until their breasts were pressed up against each other. I was suddenly hugely aroused to watch my wife kissing another woman so passionately, although I tried to bear in mind that it was all an act to persuade the guy to let us use the boat.

When they separated it was Veronique that was surprised, Clare had a look of glee on her face as though she had been planning this for some time.

‘Now just imagine tonight.’ Clare continued. ‘When you come aboard, we will let you watch, whatever you want, and maybe even join in.’

The guy was watching them open-mouthed. ‘Well I guess I do know you Veronique, and if you are going to be back tonight anyway. But what do I put in the log book? I could get the sack you know.’ He stopped and thought about it.

Clare decided to take things into her own hands. ‘Oh come on you can think of some thing, just say you deleted the email by mistake.’ With this she took Veronique’s hand, slid it up under her top and put in onto her breast. As she did so her top was pushed right up exposing the bottom of her bra-less tit. She took Veronique’s other hand and put it to her ass, lifting her skirt as she did to reveal a flash of bare flesh as her g-string provided little covering.

‘Imagine two beautiful women making love while you watched. All you have to do is let us take the yacht an hour or two early.’ With this she started gently kissing Veronique, covering her face with a garden of small kisses. With her hands she ran through Veronique’s hair and held the other next to her side, gently touching the side of her breast.

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Adventures in ECR Road

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Hi, guys this is Vardhan from Bangalore. Not a native guy, but forced to live my life here on earnings. Let me go to the story straight. I met this girl named Swetha at my office, we were doing great at our first few meetup and quickly started to share equal spaces with each other.

One fine day at the office we were discussing films and up came the film 50 shades of gray. Neither of us saw the film previously, and we started to discuss on finding time to watch it together. To be frank we had just thought it would be a good romantic love story.

One fine day right after office hours, I told her that I’ve got a surprise. She was exited at first and I slowly whispered that I’ve got the film downloaded and saved in my mobile. I did own a car with an awesome music system. So just after office hours we had dinner and parked it near our PG in OMR road and started watching the film together.

Right at the end of the film, neither of us spoke a word. We were maintaining deep silence, and I opened up the word. To my surprise, we both were equally horny to be dominated by each other. She slowly opened up on her nude adventures she had during her childhood, where she would keep her dress aside and used to roam around naked in the terrace and finding natural air.

I asked her whether she do that even after growing up and recently. She replied she always had her exhibitionist thoughts and flashing around but she had never tried any for the recent years as she was not having any private time in her PG and room.

It was never too late to do crazy stuff and it all depends on our age and arousals. I quickly gave her a game plan. And it follows like this.

I’m supposed to act as gray for next few hours. And she is to obey all my rules. We planned to get rid of the traffic areas and reached the ECR road in my car.

A bliss would be at night time. I asked her to remove her dress and to remain in her undies. She hesitated at first, but slowly she came into the mood and started to strip. I was having a tuff time focusing on the road and to see her getting undressed. In the next few minutes, she was ready in her bra and panties.

We came across few two-wheelers and buses and she started to feel relaxed and completely chill. Now came the moment, I asked her to remove the last piece of clothing and to put them in the back seat. To my surprise, she did it without hesitating. Now she was fully nude, with her 34b cup size breast in full view to me. Yet to look deep at her hairy pussy.

For the next half an hour we drove slowly, having dirty talks and sharing our sex fantasies with each other until I found a dark part of the road where there were no road lights. I decided to stop my car and play a small prank. I dared her to step out of the car, go around and get back in totally nude.

She was shocked. I reminded that she would listen to all my commands and to obey them. Right after she decided to take up the adventure, I unlocked the doors. Waiting for the right time where they were no vehicles around. She just opened the door lock and stepped out completely nude, I had a good chance to view her entity naked body even at that dim lights.

I asked her to close the door, quickly run around the car as get back. Just after she closed the door and started to come around the car nude, I locked the doors. When she thought everything was under control and Came near the door to open it, there comes the surprise. I lowered the window a bit to see her blush.

“Hey what the hell are you doing” she screamed.

“Just enjoy the situation honey, you said you love to roam around naked”, I replied.

“Ok it’s enough I want to get back in” she replied In a low voice.

Since I didn’t find any vehicles coming near us, I quickly got down and went near her.

“Amity what are you doing,” she asked

“I just wanted to see the complete view, won’t you show me” I replied in a calm manner.

She stood there, with her left arms crossed over her breasts and right arm covering her pussy, totally naked in an empty highway.

I said, “if you love it then why don’t we go for a little walk”

She replied, ” no way, please let me in, this is enough for today”

Right then we noticed a vehicle coming from a long distance. She urged to get back in, and I slowly asked her for a small kiss and I would unlock the doors. She was jumping on her feet, started shivering, afraid of the coming vehicle and she had no way than to accept my offer.

I knew she wouldn’t resist nor get angry over me. She slowly came near me and kissed me on my lips, still covering her private parts and a great start for a romantic future. The lights from the vehicle are nearing us and when they were about a 200 meters near, I unlocked the doors. She jumped in the car quickly and slammed the doors, giggling.

I came around and entered the driver side when the other vehicle flew across us at great speed.

“With that speed, I’m sure that they wouldn’t have noticed you even if you’re standing naked on the roadside,” I said

“May şişli escort be next time” — she replied

We were laughing and having fun at what happened and I planned for the next thrilling task for her. And it goes like this.

“You got to walk with me at least 50 meters away from the car, totally naked, and come back without covering your breasts or pussy. If you do so and try to cover, the walk would extend up to the next 50 meters. And everything is to be right on the highway over the tarmac”

Her eyes went wide and smiling. “I’m in” — she replied without any hesitation.

After the first adventurous road trip, Swetha was very much excited and even pinged me that she had only dreamt of such experiences to be nude in public and outdoors. And was very much interested in taking more riskier adventures in future.

It was two week of hefty work at the desk and was not able to respond well to her. By the time I reach home late and message her she would have slept off. We planned for a meetup and to go for dinner on a Friday evening.

After completing all my works rushed to see her waiting for me in a nearby restaurant in OMR road. She was a bit frustrated over my incomplete messages over two weeks.

I explained her my situation, but still, she was odd. After having our dinner at about 10 pm, I asked her whether she was willing to for another set of adventure tonight.

That was when her face was brightened, and without any hesitation, she responded, “I have been waiting for this very badly”. we quickly headed to ECR, the road as it is always our hotspot for trying out such kind of adventures.

It was a nice breeze late night, not to mention the traffic which moves out of the city to Pondicherry. we had our windows down and maintained a speed of 50kmph.”Are you ready for your next task ” — I asked “I’m all your master, I will do whatever you say” — she responded. submitting herself completely to me.

Since the ongoing traffic was more I took a U-turn after driving for about an hour. It was much better this way. I spotted on an isolated bus stand and my mind went through a bright idea. “Here you go mistress, strip down now inside the car and put all your things in the back seat.

You have to walk down to the bus stand and spend the next 30 mins there. You can hide somewhere behind the advertisement banner. But should not move anywhere. I would be leaving for a small drive, so you have to stay there all naked for the next 30 mins. After it is time I would return back and horn, and you would get in the car.” — I said

I saw her eyes getting wild and accepted the task already.

“what if someone comes this way” — she asked

“You have provision to hide behind that advertisement board. and don’t worry it is so much isolated and people crossing this path is less possibility” — I said

she: “ok when to start”

Me: “your time starts when you step out of this car, without a single piece of dress.”

she: “Can I have my mobile phone instead”

Me: “NO you can’t. it may distract you. You should feel that your nude and feel the air touching your bare body every second. “slowly she started to strip herself, one by one, first her kurthi, followed by her pants. then came down her slip, bra, and panties. Decently folded them and kept it in the back seat. I unlocked the doors and could see her cheeks getting pink already.

Me: “Aren’t you afraid?”

She: “Nope. It seems to be a simple one. Shall meet you in 30 mins. Take care”

Me: “hahaa is it, honey. ok, will deal with it.

She was feeling energetic and I don’t want to end it as planned. So I pulled out a small rope from the trunk and went near her door. Opened the door and asked her to step out. She took a quick look all around and got down the car. She came near me and kissed me on my lips and said bye bye. I slowly moved both her hand’s behinds her back and tied them with the rope I had.

She: “what is this????????????”

Me: “You wanna have fun right, then stay calm. Now you have no way to escape or to cover your private parts when you get caught with someone.”

She: “Hmmmm let me handle this too”

she was bold enough even when I tied her hands and locked them behind. I guided her to the bus stand showed her a hotspot to hide if some vehicles are passing very closely. Then walked back to the car and started the engine. Looking at her from inside a lot of thoughts ran through my mind, she was not just a nude girl standing over the road, with her hands tied behind, but was very horny in such adventurous tasks. I slowly moved my car away and drove for about 10 mins and then took a U-turn.

Decided to go back to the bus stand and watch what she does from the other side of the road. So again 10 mins of drive and came opposite to the stop where I dropped her. At first couldn’t spot her as it was pitch dark. Later I came to know that she was hiding thinking of some random car has parked opposite to her. Once she knew that it was me, came out from the dark ümraniye escort and was sitting in the seat. Facing me and was exposing her 32b breasts and bald pussy. Could see her white bare body even in the dim lighting.

Now is what some unexpected twists came in. A bus. which slowed down from a distance. I figured out clearly that it is going to halt in the bus depot for sure. She quickly moved away and hit behind the advertisement board. There was a two small horizontal space one below and one little above in that advertisement board, which has the possibility to expose her thighs and face alone if she was standing behind, and someone should watch closely to figure that out.

To completely hide she has to sit down and put her head down the bottom gap. The bus halted right in front of her and it blocked the entire view of the bus stand to me. I couldn’t think of what could happen and how to deal with it.

Just less than a minute the bus started to move and I saw an elderly couple and one middle-aged man walking away after getting down. when they moved away a little far I crossed and road and went behind the bus stand. And saw her standing there without any tensed feeling.

He: “Did they see you?”

She: “I think they didn’t, was standing 5 feet away from them on the darker side when they walked away from me.

Me: “so you didn’t hide?”

She: “Nope”

I was blown away by her and hugged her wild and started to finger her pussy. She was moaning like hell with her hands locked behind. In the next few mins made her cum, and standing weakly. Her juices flowing down her legs messed up hair.

She: “Shall we leave. enough for today. Shall keep some energy for next week”

Me: “sure dear”

She: “Go get the car here”

Me: “Come on baby lets cross the road. No one is going to notice that your nude

without any hesitation she started to walk and was leading me. Grabbed my hands and I removed the ropes. One the road were all clear of vehicles, she crossed the road all naked and barefoot. Though noted few headlights at a very long distance. They wouldn’t notice her nudity until they are few meters near us.

We then got into the car, and I refused to give permission for her to dress. She was lying there naked in the front seat while we returned and I stopped few meters near the tollgate for her to get dressed up, and was half sleep already. Then dropped her at her PG after abiding few kisses and returned back to mine.

It was again a boring week and would end up soon. As we all know Fridays were the longest days of the week. It was around 6 o clock in the evening when Swetha called and asked me if we can go out somewhere for a long drive. I knew she was indirectly wanted to go for an adventure and I’ve already started to plan out the next targets and dare to her.

Once office was over I picked her up and went for dinner. Soon we packed our stuff and started our trip. It was nearly an hour and we were going long away from the city. I whispered to her In a soft manner. Are you ready for your next dare dear? And she just smiled and didn’t utter a single word.

I further added upon the difficulty level for coming one and she replied that anything is fine my wish, but should be more exciting than the previous ones.

I had so many plans running over my mind and drove into a remote village. Villages would be deserted earlier and would be awake all before the sun. So we were cautious not to extend our adventure after 4 am.

While Swetha was mentally getting prepared, I was looking over the right place. Then came a hot spot.

There was a narrow straight road for about 500 meters and there were small houses at regular intervals. Lights were also spaced evenly such that first few meters are bright lite and next few meters were totally dark. I stopped the vehicle and looked straight into her. She was already feeling so much thirsty and to remove off her dress right after my command.

“Ok Swetha, her goes the dare. You would strip down naked completely and get down to the car. With all your belongings I would move forward and wait right at the end of the road. Your task is to walk bare and naked on the road in public and to reach the car. Since it is full of houses, there might be a chance of someone coming out. You shouldn’t panic and continue walking till the end of the road, DEAL”

Her eyes were filled with excitement. She has never before tried such a risky dare and had no choice except to believe in luck. Since I was about to drive away, with her clothes and apparels, she had no choice but to walk nude down the lane.

She was getting prepared and removed her t-shirt first. Followed by her pant, and bra, panties. I asked whether you would need chappal or not. She was fine with it. But I commanded to walk barefoot.

It was time for the adventure. She then got down the car and I was fully aware of the surrounding.

Her beautiful pale bright skin was glowing in the dark. Her soft round ass was chubby. And I felt like whacking them one escort nişantaşı time. Her 34c breasts were perfect and she was covering them with her hands. I slowly started to move the car and let her walk by my side. Her boobs were bouncing in an even manner, slow pace and at regular intervals.

I would watch them the whole day long. Just after a sec or two I moved in advance and rushed to the end of the road. All I ever saw was the girl in the rear view mirror and could notice nothing in the front. All naked walking in a public road and in front of residential houses. She was enjoying her public nudity play and was walking bare ass in a road. I settled my car along and came out and was walking towards her.

Everything was normal until a vehicle turned up. We could see a set of flashlight of some vehicle getting ready to show off in the next few seconds from her end of the road. I was rushing towards her and the gap was about 200 meters to reach her.

I could feel her terrible reaction from a distance.

I had so many thoughts running in my mind. Will it be the cops for rounds, if it is so what would happen if they catch nude women in the middle of the road? What if it was some random lorry or a fellow villager. I was thinking so deeply and forgot what to do

Since the road was narrow and the distance from one house to other was nominal it is a very tuff task to find a place to hide. She immediately put her arms around her breasts and pussy and started running towards me. I waved her to go hide somewhere. Just as the lights turned towards the road and lite her entire nude body to glow in the dark.

I wonder how the driver would have reacted seeing her in such a state in the middle of the road. It was a middle weighed truck and was coming towards us at a moderate speed. Just before the truck was reaching near to us, we got into our car and started the engine. The truck nearly slowed down to see us through and what we were up to. By this time the car was ready to rush through the opposite direction.

Considering the narrow road and difficult for the truck to return and follow us, I just waived my hands saying good bye to the fellow driver, … But this time without covering her boobs. She was literally flashing them in the broad high beam light.

We moved forward as she was rolling over the floor laughing. Still nude and undressed. Aroused and unable to believe the fact that she has now turned into an exhibitionist. She also let me know on the urge of cuming right now.

I just tied her hands behind the seat and gave her an awesome fingering near a four road junction. Trucks and other vehicles were rarely going across making it more favorable. After a couple of climax showdown, we returned back slowly to our residence making this trip a step ahead of the previous adventures.

For our next fine trip, me and Swetha planned for something more than getting caught. It was bdsm situations out there in public.

We started our car by evening and went on for a long drive. Not to mention. It is a bliss to drive through the East coast road, Chennai at sunrise and sunset. And eventually romantic too. We went to a beach at the long outskirts of the city and spent some time till the lights were out. We also found few floating crowds not aware what is going to happen next here.

Just when the lights were dim and dull the adventure domination starts.

Me: OK sweetheart, are you ready for your next adventure.

she: now??

me: Yeaa now.

she: but the lights are still dim and visible

me: I guess we had a deal before we could come here

she: Hmmmmmmmmm

me: Now do what I say. How many people are around us and at what distance

she: a couple on the right at an about 50 meters. Then a group of 4 College girls and a guy about 30 meters near us and a family to our right.

me: Ok. now let’s take a walk

we walked crossing the group and the couple and came to an isolated place.

me: Ok honey, now stip. make sure you take off all your inners and wear only the t-shirt

(The t-shirt is a bit longer and covers exactly your buts and pussy)

she: Hmmmmmm

she removed here t-shirt followed by the jeans pant, then goes down the bra and panties and I was covering her up in the low dim light. Then she wore here Tshirt back. What else do you want to wish for? A dim light, a fair hot lady with a t-shirt and rest of her clothes in my hand.

Me: Ok now let’s walk back to our older place.

she: I’m already shivering here with people nearby. what are you going to do now to me.

Me: do you wish to show your nude body to the couple and the group. but to your disappointment, there would be no one else to chase you and fuck you so you’re safe.

she: Please don’t make me run naked in front of them. I know you would want me to do so.

Me: I have other plans dear 🙂 now go get a quick dip in the beach and come back. I’ll sit right in the sand meanwhile.

she: ok

And there she went off to the salt water without any hesitation. Not to mention her dancing boobs and awesome hip to shoulder ratio. You would watch her all day. Especially after getting wet. The white t-shirt was almost transparent. Two cute pin points would be visible even in the dim light and sure she is horny.

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Absurdly Slutty Hand Job

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I am not a particularly nihilistic slut. By this I mean the stupid whorish things I do tend to be meaningful to the dumb hot people I impose upon. Consider yesterday:

In the call it early afternoon, this cis gentleman who I coerced with pizza into bringing me home the evening prior woke up from a nap to hear his roommate and her mom arriving home. I had been awake. This was because of the horrible transparent curtain creating extreme light in the room and also because this cis gentleman of fortunately more diverse nude ethnicity happened to look quite idyllic in the blinding fields of sunlight that he somehow snoozed through.

Being alert, aroused, etcetera, I heard the women talking on the stairs, the deadbolt slotting, and the door creaking well before my stirring bedmate. He flexed somewhat like a fish or other muscular, subhuman flesh vessel. This did not stop me from putting my whole palm and fingers over his face during the quiet awakening, because it felt smutty to do so. I also enjoyed his panic. It was one of those drowning, glimpse of the apocalypse, large eyeball mecidiyeköy escort recognitions caused eternally by bitches in clogs.

They called his name and, when he did not reply, settled into conversation about the farmers market while lowering various loud objects onto presumably like a coffee table or the floor. Fuck man, I didn’t memorize the place. Plus, I had engaged in grasping this man’s extremely smooth and well hefted butt, which probably made him want to screw me. We did not have sex the night before. Nor were we going to with his vehemently religious roommate and parental unit outside, as I explained in whispers while grasping his ass, but I could see down through the very transparent sunny sheet, and—yes this was still me explaining—there was definitely a taught penis pinned against the cotton.

I lay my fingers onto flesh under fabric, which he apparently hated, given the soft groan and horrified looks between the bedroom wall and my face. Not my concern, fuckboy. Actually, he was a very nice boy. But I had his cock in hand, and his existential horror escort bayan taksim was making my chest tighten and warm down through my intellectual little twat, and every time the bed chirped, we essentially guaranteed a curious audience out in the living room. They rarely stopped talking. However, a certain feminine curiosity and power settled down through the wooden walls such that my thrusting man occasionally froze.

The transient fears of the sexually prolific, post-modern male—that shit could populate a family encyclopedia, and mid-rub I wondered which sis or moms or aunty repressed this poor gasping load of abdominal muscles. He was clearly quite disturbed. But every pause he might have asked me to stop, so during one stiffening, I reassembled my right leg in a ponderous arc over the man’s globular eyes and smothered my asshole down onto his mouth. Well, ‘onto’ or ‘into,’ as his chubby lips & tongue struggled immensely with my cheeks & sphincter about who exactly was on the outside here. I provided the expected gyration of hips to lather his chin with whatever escort weird smelly vagina stuff worked up the evening prior, fixed pleasantly in the idea of a big man forced to breath pussy air or nothing.

There exists a particular, Sisyphean joy in the degrading, which condones face fucking or roughly jerking a dick through the sheets, in spite of the stationary twaddle of human relations and emotions out there in the urban political climate or nearest living room, whatever. Fortunately, this sometimes still, sometimes convulsing boy twitched on through the increasing pace of my rough pulses, even when I occasionally moaned for the benefit of his feminine friends, until he gasped and came. There was much rising. Like I rose and ripped the sheet back as his anus lifted in the air and his back arced while a surprisingly large amount of semen squirted skyward through the dusty rays and then splattered down onto his chest and my hands with a certain frenzy of bed springs that did quiet the conversation briefly. I almost licked it off.

But that would be crass, and the boy was watching between my knees, so instead I gathered the most obvious bead of ejaculate on my index finger and deposited it on his delicious nose, extending the gesture down to his lips while thinking in my sluttiest drawl, ‘well really dearest, anyways, who would you tell?’

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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